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to include a text appearing as being typed on typewriter. Version 2 compatible with Sacéfé






Version 2.2 - 15/01/21

Réutilisez !


Extension by Nicolas Forestier and Hervé, inspired by Tapuscrit by Patrice Nadam

Sacéfé Compatible !


Il permet aussi de créer plusieurs paragraphes séparés et de faire apparaître d'autres objets en même temps !

Voici le nouveau Tapuscrit qui ajoute quelques paramètres : la possibilité d'accélérer la vitesse de défilement ou d'afficher d'un coup la totalité du texte.

Il permet aussi de créer plusieurs paragraphes séparés et de faire apparaître d'autres objets en même temps !

  • 1000
  • 40
  • 10
  • 500

Duplicable element "groupe texte" must be grouped with all your paragraphs

This group of elements has the four parameters nessary to make the extension work.

This number allows you to set a delay before the text appears. You can set it to 0 to start immediately.

This number defines the time between apparitionm of 2 successive characters. If you set it to 0, the whole text will appear straight away.

This number indicates the effect of the optional button to accelerate the displaying of the text.

This optional element must be grouped with something (pic, text, Genially object, etc...) and when you click it the speed of displaying the text will be up according to parameters.

optional element must be grouped with something (pic, text, Genially object, etc...) and when you click it the whole text will appear.

This element has all the coding for the extension to work.

This number allows a delay of displaying between paragraphs. Can be 0.

This optional element (duplicable) must be grouped with objects which will appear at the same time as the first letter of the text.

  • 1000
  • 30
  • 10
  • 500