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It all began with Edward Jenner. He was the one who discovered the smallpox vaccine. He was born in England in 1749. When he was only 13 years old he already helped a surgeon at Bristol. He became a doctor later on.

It all began with Edward Jenner. He was the one who discovered the smallpox vaccine. He was born in England in 1749. When he was only 13 years old he already helped a surgeon at Bristol. He became a doctor later on.

He did many experiments about smallpox, a very feared disease by humankind. Back then, smallpox was the cause of the death of 400.000 people per year. In 1789 he noticed people who worked milking cows did not got sick by smallpox, as long as they got the animal form of the smallpox

The doctor extracted the pus from a woman who was sick from the animal pox, then he put it on a healthy 8 years old boy. The boy got the light form of the disease, then he was cured. The doctor put the boy in contact with the human smallpox. The boy did not get sick.

It was discovered the first vaccine with the attenuated virus. After two centuries, smallpox was erradicated.