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Different hobbies at different stages of life

What are the advantages of taking a new hobby?







First stage of life is being a newborn baby. Baby- a very young child, especially one that has not even begun to talk or walk. Main hobbies of this stage is sleeping, eating, playing with rattles or peek- a - boo, exploring different textures of jelly and doing other from 0 - 1 year-old activities.

Second stage is being a toddler. Toddlers are kids between ages 1 and 3. This age group starts when kids start to walk, talk and they can generalize new knowledge. This stage of life is more superior then being a baby, because you can do much more activities such as: doing art and crafts, painting, dancing, counting easy numbers and trying to read.

Adolescence is a third stage of life. It's transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. Main priorities of this stage is spending amazing, life- changing time with friends and family. On their free time teenagers prefer to listen to music, study, worry about their future, find what they like to do and express themselves.

Adulthood typically means that one has reached the age of majority – when parents lose parental rights and responsibilities regarding the person. Adults purpose and main duty is to find work, a place to live, start family and create a basis for themselves to live. Women at this stage enjoy cooking and baking, while men enhance their crafting skills.

Fifth phase of life is being middle - aged. Middle age is the period of beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. People of this age are at spine of their life so they like to try things they never did before like hiking, doing magic tricks, origami, playing card games, bowling or even collecting anything.

There is no clearly defined age when you become a senior citizen. Some people might consider themselves seniors when they retire from their job. At this age people like to try gardening, playing golf, doing crossword puzzles, reading books and newspapers.