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different hobbies in different stages of life

What are the advantages of taking a new hobby?

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2. Adolescence(13-19 years old) Adolescence is transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. It's a restless phase we all have to go through. Our hobbies may also change and there's a high chance drawing, singing or any type of activity we liked , can be switched to video games, movies watching or spending free time with peers.

Hobbies through stages of life 1. Childhood(1-12 years old). During that period of time we are all developing walking, reading, speaking skills. We are all starting everything from the beginning. So do our hobbies. At early stage of our lives we mainly take up creative hobbies, such as drawing, painting, reading or creating music. Some children prefer physical activities like playing football, rugby or playing hide 'n seek with friends.

3. Adulthood By the age of 21, brain is already fully developed, so does a person envolve. People at that age are intellectually matured and rather prefer reading, doing yoga, playing chess or any kind of activity which expands the knowledge. A part of them crave adventures and take up going to clubs or trips.

4. Elderly (60> years old) After living a vigorous life, there always comes an age to settle down. Often, elderly don't know what to do with their daily lives after retirement and children raising. In consequence, they are searching for various ways to spend their days efficiently. For instance, jogging, planting flowers or plants, cooking and baking, solving sudokus and bingos.

What are the benefits of taking a new hobby? The activities we had before can become monotonous in our daily lives. It's not as interesting as it was earlier because we get used to it and routine can be quite overwhelming for us. We are constantly envolving living creatures, so taking up new hobbies can make our experiences more enjoyable. Besides it adds up to getting to know who we are and what we are capable of.