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An invitation to participate in five conversations about RPL

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ENERGISING RPL conversations and INSPIRING communities of practice


Webinar 1: Ensuring Standards in RPL - QA and Best Practice: 14th May

  • RPL is a growing area of interest nationally and internationally. It is becoming accepted as a legitimate mechanism for validating knowledge and skills acquired by individuals previously and/or through informal and non-formal learning. However, questions often arise about how the standard reached by applicants for RPL can be accurately judged. Another theme that arises is the question of ensuring that applicants are satisfied with the process and the outcome of the process. This session will provide an opportunity to explore these themes.
  • How is RPL defined?
  • Are all programmes/modules or components suitable for RPL?
  • How can we be sure the applicant for RPL will be happy with the outcome?
  • The following themes can be expected to emerge:
  • Best practice models, e.g. CIT
  • NFQ Standards
  • The student experience – the satisfied customer
  • Centre of excellence focussing on RPL – international model?

Webinar 2: Talking of RPL Processes and Procedures: 18th June

  • June18th: Title: RPL – An Introduction to Processes and Procedures Gavin Clinch (Confirmed)
  • In this session, RPL practitioners will talk about their own experience of conducting an RPL process in practice. This session would be of interest to those planning to implement RPL, offer it as an option to applicants; embed it as an option within their organisation. Individuals with experience of implementing processes and procedures are also welcome to come along and share experience. Key questions for consideration are:
  • How do portfolios work for RPL?
  • What is the best way to map the process to Learning Outcomes/what is the role of Learning Outcomes?
  • How do organisations promote and support RPL?
  • NB links to key documents can be provided to participants in advance through the marketing materials):
  • NFQ Standards
  • Examples of mapping documents/analysis templates
  • Outline of initial induction session for applicants and follow-on session
  • Techniques for encouraging and supporting applicants through the process
  • Volume of evidence, detail required
  • The process in the organisation
  • Roles, initial contact, assessor/s (subject matter expert and RPL assessor/ mentor
  • Timelines
  • Managing applicant expectations
  • Staff training, staff awareness

Webinar 3: Recommendations from the Tobar RPL Project: 17th September

Anchor Person: Cathal dePaor The Tobar project was a pilot RPL initiative delivered through ETBs as a partnership with the Defence Forces leading to some significant developments in knowledge and awareness of RPL since its inception. The project has been evaluated, and this is an opportunity to explore some of the recommendations of that evaluation.

  • Key questions:
  • What do the recommendations suggest about further national developments?
  • How can RPL be supported more effectively in Ireland?
  • What would enhance the provision of RPL?
  • Areas for Discussion
  • What can we expect to arise?
  • Practitioner and learner findings
  • Scope of the project,
  • Recommendations
  • Reflection on the project, learning for all stakeholders, challenges and going forward
Join us on September 17th at this Zoom link: Having difficulty with the link? Contact:

Webinar 4: RPL - An instrument for inclusion? 15th October

15th October Anchor Person: tbc

  • In this session, we will focus on the potential and impact of RPL for enabling inclusion, drawing on the experience of successful applicants for RPL. A panel of beneficiaries will share their experiences and illustrate the broad applications and benefits of RPL processes.
  • Key questions:
  • What prompted the applicants to apply for RPL?
  • What was their experience of the process and outcome for them?
  • What was the impact of the experience – were their unexpected outcomes/could the process be improved in future/who could the process benefit in future?
  • Areas for Discussion:
  • Practical examples of outcomes of RPL – Learner panel of 4 or 5. HEIs and FET Sector. (David to source learners from HEIs; Contact Martina Needham re Meat Factory/Guidance Officers from Donegal)
  • Include learners at range of levels, acknowledging that access to a Level 6 programme may also have significant effects in terms of future academic engagement or progress in the workplace.
  • Themes and topics:
  • Briefing for ‘anchor person’:
  • Empowerment of learners
  • Enabling career opportunities for learners
  • Sense of achievement/validation
  • Transversal skills that are developed
  • Are there specific vulnerable groups whose lives could potentially be enhanced through participation in RPL processes?
Join us on October 15th at this Zoom link: Having difficulties with the link? Contact:

Webinar 5: RPL Communities of Practice:19th November

Anchor Person(s): tbc

  • The RPL Practitioner Network is designed to be an informal network, which encourages networking as a way of building awareness and constructive projects which will result in RPL opportunities for Irish citizens. We would like to encourage the growth of communities of practice in the field. To enable this process, we will discuss how communities of practice can be grown and supported to flourish through the use of an online platform.
What we can expect to arise:
  • Intention of Communities of Practice
  • How to set up/manage COPs
  • Explore best practice regarding COPs e.g. group size
  • Input from National Forum on COPs
  • Communities of Practice as a source of influence on policy
Join us on November 19th at this Zoom link:

Find us here:

Fridays: 14.30-15.30

To find out more click on the webinar title!