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Dr. David Strahan, Professor Emeritus, Western Carolina University
Dr. Jeanneine Jones, Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Ms. Madison White, M. Ed., South Rowan High School

Association for Middle Level Education Webinar April 8, 2021

Exploring adolescent development with our students


Summarizes general patterns of development and implications for practice in four areas:

“Young Adolescent Development & Implications for Educators”

Essential Attribute: Responsiveness

by. Penny Bishop & Lisa Harrison

  • Using the distinctive nature and identities of young adolescents as the foundation upon which all decisions about school are made. (p. 8)
  • Being responsive to growth and development has been “the hallmark of middle level education since the field’s inception” (p. 55).

From The Successful Middle School: This We Believe (2021)

  • Physical Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Psychological Development (pp. 55-64)


10 unique adolescents

Part two

Part one

• Changes in hormones signal the development of primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics. • Females typically begin puberty one or two years before males. • The onset of puberty is associated with higher incidence of peer group sexual harassment. (The Successful Middle School, pp. 57-58)

General Patterns of Physical Development


• Black girls need less nurturing. • Black girls need less protection. • Black girls need to be supported less. • Black girls need to be comforted less. • Black girls are more independent. • Black girls know more about adult topics. • Black girls know more about sex.

When compared to white girls of the same age, survey participants perceive that...

The Erasure of Black Girls’ Childhood

read more

Girlhood Interrupted:


During early adolescence, students often seek to find their own individuality, uniqueness, and autonomy. - Central questions of exploration include: - Who am I? - How do I see myself? - How do my peers and adults see me? - How will I affect the world?Young adolescents benefit from a nuanced and multifaceted understanding of identity that goes beyond stereotypical expectations of group norms. (The Successful Middle School, p. 63)

General Patterns of psychological development

In the Zoom chat box, declare your commitment!

Moving forward, what will you do to ADVOCATE for your students?


Closing chat


Madison White

Jeanneine Jones

Dave Strahan