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5th Grade - Measurement & Data

Enter the word zoo to access the first exhibit.

You were enjoying an evening at the zoo, wandering around and enjoying the different animal exhibits. When you made your way back to the exit, you realized you had lost track of time and the zoo had already closed with you still locked inside! "What am I going to do?" you wonder. You remember a friend, who works at the zoo, telling you about the secret staff exit. If you can find that you should be able to make your way home. Solve each problem. Then, use the answer to unlock the next question. Make sure you use all lowercase letters!

Unlock Gate 1

Animal Fun Fact An adult hippopotamus can weigh up to 2 tons.

Exhibit 1

Unlock the Door

Cars that are ready for shipping weigh 2 tons. A car being built weighs 1,135 pounds. How much more weight, in pounds, will be added to the car so it will be ready for shipping?

a. 1.8 meters and 110 centimetersb. 200 centimeters and 2 metersc. 3 meters and 115 centimetersd. 17 centimeters and 2.9 meterse. 0.63 meters and 230 centimeters f. 192 centimeters and 0.19 meters

Animal Fun Fact Blue Poison Dart Frogs are about 3 centimeters long.

Exhibit 2

*Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next question.

Unlock the Door

Cait has a 300-centimeter ribbon that she will cut into smaller pieces for decorations. Select all the ribbon lengths that could be cut from the original ribbon.

Animal Fun Fact A male clouded leopard can weigh up to 23 kilograms!

Exhibit 3

Unlock the Door

Tory buys a bag of cat food that has a mass of 5 kilograms. Tory’s cat has a mass of 4 kilograms, 575 grams. What is the difference in mass, in grams, between the bag of food and Tory’s cat?

Animal Fun FactDid you know the most expensive coffee in the world consists of partially digested coffee cherries, which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet

Fill in the circles to match each description to the correct weight.

Exhibit 4

Unlock the Door

A store sells packs of coffee that weigh fractions of a pound. The line plot shows the numbers of packs of different weights that are in stock.

Animal Fun FactAdult Orca's can be about 9 yards long.

After a customer buys one piece of purple fabric, the total length of purple fabric that the store has in stock is 9 1/2 yards. What was the length of fabric, in yards, that the customer bought?

Exhibit 5

Unlock the Door

A craft store sells fabric pieces in lengths measured in fractions of a yard. The line plot below shows the number of pieces of purple fabric of different lengths that are in stock.

Animal Fun FactGiraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period! They often achieve that in quick naps that may last only a minute or two at a time.

Exhibit 6

a. 256 cubic centimetersb. 248 cubic centimetersc. 236 cubic centimetersd. 260 cubic centimeters e. 300 cubic centimeters f. 205 cubic centimeters

Unlock the Door

Alberto has 250 cubes with edge lengths of 1 centimeter. Select all the measurements that represent the volume of a rectangular prism that Alberto could fit all of his cubes into.

Exhibit 7

Animal Fun FactNo penguins live at the North Pole.

Unlock the Door

Kelly made four rectangular prisms using unit cubes. The numbers of unit cubes he used are shown in the table.Fill in the circles to match each figure to the number of unit cubes used.

Animal Fun FactMeerkats live in the desert but they don't drink water. They get all the water they need from the food they eat.

Exibit 8

Unlock the Door

For which solid figure can the volume be found by multiplying 3 inches by 8 square inches? Figures are not drawn to scale.

Animal Fun FactRed Pandas are more closely related to racoons than the black and white giant pandas.

How many cubic meters larger is the volume of the bottom prism?

Exhibit 9

Unlock the Door

A platform is made of 2 rectangular prisms.

Animal Fun FactFlamingos are able to "run" on water, thanks to their webbed feet, to gain speed before lifting up into the sky.

a. 33 cubic feetb. 150 cubic feetc. 240 cubic feetd. 330 cubic feet

Exhibit 10

Unlock the Final Door!

Andre and Molly have a tree fort that consists of two rectangular rooms. The upper level has a length of 5 feet, a width of 3 feet, and a height of 6 feet. The lower level has a length of 6 feet, a width of 5 feet, and a height of 8 feet. What is the combined volume of the two levels of the tree fort?

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You unlocked all the gates and made it out of the Zoo!
