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Now, April 2021
History of American proms & details of the upcoming Knight Senior Gala/Prom
Timeline by Jackson Cole
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Timeline by Jackson Cole

History of American proms & details of the upcoming Knight Senior Gala/Prom








Now, April 2021


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From history of words, also known as etymology, the word "prom" is short for "promenade". Originally, "promenade" means "a leisurely walk, a walk for pleasure or display." The word "prom" when referring to a school dance, arose in 1887.

Proms first started in colleges in the Northeast region of America, before appearing in the culture of high school, in the 18th century, for only those of the upper class. The first prom, according to some historians, was held at Amherst College in Amherst, Mass., as young male students invited females from the all-women institution of Smith College to dine and dance in 1894, which was also documented by a male student of Amherst.

By the early 1900s, the concept of prom expanded to high schools. Similar to the college ones, there was the senior class in formal wear, gathering in a gymnasium along with tea and refreshments, while parents may volunteer. Yet until the 1930s, proms were nationwide, to the common ideal vision of having one with a banquet dinner, with entertainment by a record player or local band. Published by the Northwestern University Press in 1936, there was even the first prom guide, titled "The Junior-senior Prom: Complete Practical Suggestions for Staging the Junior-Senior Prom", by Marietta Abell and Agnes J. Anderson.

Thanks to the economic boom by post-WWII, America was at prosperity which also meant bringing the boom in proms. Instead of gyms, proms transitioned into more elaborate settings including banquet halls, country clubs, and hotels. Since then, along with pop culture of the 1980s, proms became the traditional event for high schoolers nationwide, and may get more colorful along the way in the future.

2021 Knights Senior Gala or Prom will be held at the Cotton Mill in McKinney, Texas. According to the venue website, the Cotton Mill was an actual cotton mill, which was stated to open in 1910 and was the largest denim manufacturer in the world, by 1960. Then, it closed in 1969, which would continue as an event venue. A sideview of The Cotton Mill, in McKinney, Texas at 610 Elm Street. (Recovered from gallery of mckinneycottonmill.com)

Member of IHS' Student Council, Siya Sakhardande, said there were other themes considered, for Knights Prom, such as a "game night" theme, as well as a masquerade and Paris theme, but went with the usual gala theme, due to budget and timing reasons.

Catering for the event will be provided by La Madeleine, a French cuisine restaurant chain. The name of the restaurant is coincidentally named after a church in Paris that was built in 1806, from Napoleon's own design and also stands as a tribute to his army, at the time of the French Empire. "Madeleine" is also the name of a small French sponge cake. La Madeleine

Originally, the Senior Gala/Prom was divided into two sessions, with the first starting from 5-7:15PM, with last one starting from 7:15 to 10PM. On March 30, as a result of less attendance for the first session, one of the last events for the Class of 2021 will now be a one session, including with an IHS guest improv show and dinner.

Have a great time, Current & Future Knight Seniors!

Sources for Prom Infographic:

  • Origin of the word "prom"- Etymonline
  • 10 Surprising Facts About The History Of Proms | LittleThings.com
  • The Surprisingly Humble Origins of Prom | Mental Floss
  • "The Junior-senior Prom," Complete Practical Suggestions for Staging the ... - Marietta Abell, Agnes J. Anderson - Google Books
  • "The junior-senior prom," complete practical suggestions for staging the junior-senior prom : Abell, Marietta : Internet Archive
  • Madeleine | church, Paris, France | Britannica

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