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"NOWHERE FEELS LIKE HOME"Plan Proxecta eTwinning 2020-21


Ubicación de Coímbra y la importancia del Turismo en ella.

Como una escuela profesional que somos le damos gran importancia a la formación de nuestros alumnos. Uno de nuestros cursos es el Tecnico en Turismo.En estre proyecto se han incluidos al primer y al segundo año y ellos nos presentarán la ciudad y nos dará su punto de vista sobre la importancia del turismo.

  • El traje representa humildad, respeto y fraternidad.
Curiosidad: los trajes de Harry Potter fueron baseados en los trajes academicos portugueses.
  • El traje comenzó a ser utilizado por la influencia que tuvo la iglesia en la educación en el siglo XVIII.
  • El primer regulamento que existió sobre la Praxe (cuando los alumnos antiguos reciben a los nuevos, existe apadrinamiento), em 1957, el traje pasa a ser un símbolo uniformizador, evitando las diferencias de los niveles sociales.

Traje académico de Coímbra

Nuestra alumna te lo explica

¿Qué significa saudade?


El pastel predilecto para representar a Portugal

Pastel de Nata

Dulces de Coimbra

Dulces de Coimbra

  • Las Repúblicas de Coimbra fueron creadas en el siglo XIV, cuando el rey D. Dinis mando a crear casa para que los estudiantes pudieran vivir.
  • Durantes los años han ganado sus propias tradiciones.
  • Su función es defender la democracia y el libre pensamiento de los estudiantes.

Las Repúblicas

El fado de Coimbra

Nuestra profesora recita

Coimbra poetica

La biblioteca Joanina se encuentra en el pátio de la escuela de la Universidad de Coímbra. Fue construida en el reinado de D. João V , y a este reinado debe su nombre, se considera una obra maestra del barroco. Es un lugar turístico muy importante dentro de la universidad y la película "Lá Bella y la bestia" se basó en esta.

Biblioteca Joaninha

La biblioteca nacional del museo Machado de Castro fue inagurada el 26 de mayo de 1911. Este museo es uno de los museos de las bellas artes más importantes de Portugal.

Museo Machado de Castro

• El Monasterio de Santa Cruz se encuentra en la ciudad de Coimbra,en Portugal. • Fue fundada en 1131 y su estilo dominante es el romanico y el manuelino. • Se considera patrimonio nacional y panteón. • En este panteón están enterrados, por ejemplo, D.

Monasterio de Santa Cruz

Ubicado en el barrio de Almedina (Coimbra). El jardín está compuesto por varias vegetaciones principalmente arboles centenarios. Y también tiene atracciones como Estufas Frias, Capilla de San Bento y fuente de los tres bicos.

Jardín botanico

La entrada al jardín, se realiza en la Praça da República, cuenta con tres estatuas que representan la fé, la caridad y la esperanza, que culminan en una cascada. Subiendo las escaleras, encontramos la Fonte da Nogueira .

El Parque de Santa Cruz, conocido popularmente como Jardim da Sereia, está ubicado en la parroquia de Sé Nova en la ciudad de Coimbra. En el siglo XVIII, D. Gaspar da Encarnação promovió su disposición, convirtiéndolo en un espacio de ocio, habiendo construido el campo de juegos y un jardín de descanso.

Jardín de la sirena

La catedral vieja de Coimbra se encuentra cerca de la universidad. Es uno de los edificios romanicos mas importantes del país. Es un monumento muy visitados por turistas.

Catedral Vieja

Fue creado en 1922. Es un espacio abierto al publico y con entrada gratuita. Organizado y creado para tratar sobre las cuestiones ambientales.

Museo del agua

La entrada al jardín, se realiza en la Praça da República, cuenta con tres estatuas que representan la fé, la caridad y la esperanza, que culminan en una cascada. Subiendo las escaleras, encontramos la Fonte da Nogueira .

El Parque de Santa Cruz, conocido popularmente como Jardim da Sereia, está ubicado en la parroquia de Sé Nova en la ciudad de Coimbra. En el siglo XVIII, D. Gaspar da Encarnação promovió su disposición, convirtiéndolo en un espacio de ocio, habiendo construido el campo de juegos y un jardín de descanso.


La paya fluvial del reconquinho se encuentra a orillas del Mondego frente al pueblo de Penacova

Playa de Reconquinho

No momento da partida Segredos desta cidade Levo comigo pr'á vida Capa negra de saudade No momento da partida Segredos desta cidade Levo comigo p'rá vida Sabes que o desenho do adeus É fogo que nos queima devagar E no lento cerrar dos olhos teus Fica a esperança de um dia aqui voltar E levas em ti guardado O choro de uma balada Recordações de um passado E o bater da velha cabra Capa negra de saudade No momento da partida Segredos desta cidade Levo comigo p'rá vida

La canción más emotiva y de despedida de Coímbra

Sentes que um tempo acabou Primavera de flor adormecida Qualquer coisa que não volta que voou Que foi um rio, um ar, na tua vida E levas em ti guardado O choro de uma balada Recordações de um passado E o bater da velha cabra Capa negra de saudade No momento da partida Segredos desta cidade Levo comigo pr'á vida Capa negra de saudade

Sabes que el dibujo del adios Es fuego que nos quema lentamenteY en el lento cerrar de tus ojos queda la esperanza de un dia aqui volverY llevas en ti guardado El lloro de una balada Recuerdos de um pasado El bater de la vieja cabra (reloj de la universidad) Capa negra de saudade en el momento de la despedida Secretos de esta ciudad Llevo comigo pr'á vida Capa negra de saudade

La canción más emotiva y de despedida de Coímbra (NUESTRA TRADUCCIÓN)

Sientes que el tiempo acaboPrimavera de flor durmienteCualquier cosa que no vuelve vuelta que volóQue fue un rio, un mar, en tu vida Y que llevas en ti guardado El lloro de una balada Recuerdos de un pasado El bater de la vieja cabra (reloj de la universidad)Capa negra de saudade en el momento de la despedidaSecretos de esta ciudadLlevo comigo pr'á vida Capa negra de saudade (x3)

Nuestro agradecimiento por presentar nuestra ciudad


A city is not just a place. It is composed of the people who live there, the people who work there, those who build the city, those who transmit knowledge and culture, those who make the city known worldwide, and those who take care of other people. We dedicate this work to all of them, the people who make A Coruña OUR HOME.

9. Local celebrations

7. The UDC

6. The exterior port

5. Tabacalera

4. The Superdepor

3. The scientic museums

2. The CHUAC

8. Inditex

1. Marineda city


These posters were composed by our A1-2 students


The CHUAC is a very important hospital in A Coruña. A lot of us were born there, and helped us in our lives during our whole life. It is one of the Spanish hospitals where most transplants are done in Spain, and there they have all kinds of medical consultations.


Text and photos by Chris (C11)

The main problem is that it is very large and it is very easy to get lost in its hallways.

Click HERE to see the image better

David, one of our C11 students, got an interview with one of the persons involved in transplant surgery. Do not miss it!

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Marcos, the Director, kindly shares his thoughts with us.


We would like to thank the MUNCYT for sending us this audio


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If you love football, you have to know this man, especially if you live in A Coruña (Galiza). He is “the Fox” from Arteixo.Arsenio Iglesias was a football player and, over all, an important manager. Nowadays, he is retired, he lives is the center of A Coruña where he spends the time with his family (he is 90 years old!). As a player, he played with great teams like Deportivo de la Coruña, Sevillla, Granada or Oviedo CF. But he stood out with the SúperDepor, because he ran the team to the top. He was also the manager Real Madrid FC and the Galician Team, which were so important for his career. In fact, he received the most important award twice (1993 and 1995) for his labour as a coach. Arsenio has always been modest and polite and he had a big connection with the supporters and, for this reason, maybe he is a beloved person in A Coruña and he receives a lot of displays of affection. Text by Diana.



It has been a pleasure to have two interviews with former workers of the Factory of Tobacco in A Coruña. Interviewed by their children!


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[...] Amparo got up early to attend the Factory. She walked at a good pace, light and happy like the one who is going to take possession of her father's lot. As he climbed the slope of San Hilario, his eyes fixed on the sea, serene and fringed with opal inks, while he thought that he was going to earn a lot from the first day, when he would have almost no apprenticeship, because in the end the cigars the they knew, his mother had taught him to wrap them, he had the inherited gossip of the trade, and he was not deterred by the task. Running like this, he crossed the road and found himself in the courtyard of the Factory, the old Granary. He gave the girl a feeling of respect. The magnitude of the building made up for its old age and its lack of graceful design; and for Amparo, accustomed to venerating the Factory since her tender years, those walls possessed an aureole of majesty, and a mysterious power inhabited their enclosure, the State, with which it was undoubtedly idle to fight, a power that demanded blind obedience. that reached and dominated everyone everywhere. The adolescent who first touches the classrooms experiences something similar to what Amparo felt.La Tribuna. Emilia Pardo Bazán

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Many cruises stop in our port on their way to other countries, but there is much more than tourism here.Ignacio, an engineer who has been involved in the construction of this amazing work, tells us important info about it.


Antonio, one of our students and a UDC professor, shares his thoughts about our university.


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D. Evaristo Zas Gómez, Head of the UDC International Office explains the relationshiop between the city and the university



Text written by Cristina Castro

Spring 1589. A contingent of just over 25,000 men commanded by Sir Francis Drake and Norrys disembark in A Coruña, a small town with medieval walls with just 5,000 inhabitants. They attacked the walls and besieged the town for 14 days during which the small population became strong behind the medieval wall. The siege of the town was seen as a good starting point for the English, before leaving for Lisbon, due to its small population and the weakness of its walls. However, the women of A Coruña were going to play a very important role. While the men defended the walls, in a very few days, they were able to build interior ramparts that underpined the valls and made them more resistant to English cannons. In addition, they also repaired the wall in places where it was damaged by enemy cannons.


Maria Pita's museum and house

In just a week, working tirelessly, day and night, they had shut down houses, stone pavement and formed piles of foliage to build an embankment that, in some places, was as high as the walls (depending on the place they could measure 9 meters high). In addition, women and children carried water and bread to the defenders who were located on the walls, so they did not have to leave their positions. The resistance of the city was uniquely, logistics and organization, and in that, women and men broke their back.After 15 days of siege, the English had suffered so many losses that the next siege of Lisbon that they had planned, was unsuccessful beforehand.In this battle, stood out names such as the famous María Pita, whose name has the main square of the town, and also others, less known, such as Ines de Bens. María Pita was helping near the walls when she knocked down an English ensign. After snatching him the flag, she did not hesitate to cheered up the people of A Coruña to carry on defending the town shouting "Quen teña honra que me siga". Ines de Bens, after losing her whole family in the siege, didnt hesitate to shut down her own house to repair the walls and offer resistance to the enemy.

This battle was very important for History because its success meant the first step for England to renounce to the maritime control of the oceanic routes. At that time, the scale made by the big ships in the ports of the Azores on the return trip was essential.Now Maria Pita has a square and there are guided tours in A Coruña

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/AGRADECIMIENTOSEvaristo Zas Gómez (UDC)Antonio Amado Amigo (UDC)Valentina Fernández (CHUAC)Valentina Fernández Rodríguez (Tabacalera)Dolores Rodríguez (Tabacalera)Ignacio García Arango (Puerto Exterior)Marcos López Maldonado (Museos Científicos Coruñeses)
