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The attack system
The team is composed of:
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volleyball rules


The team is composed of:


The attack system


It is a sport that is played with a ball and in which two teams, made up of six players each, face off on a playing area separated by a central net. The objective of the game is to pass the ball over the net, making it reach the ground of the opposing field while the opposing team simultaneously tries to prevent it from doing so..

* This sport requires two teams, composed of 6 players each, with 6 substitute players; * A match consists of 5 sets; * The winning team is the one that wins the highest number of sets; If there is a tie in the sets (2 × 2) the fifth set will be decisive; There is no predetermined time for each set; * Each set has a maximum of 25 points with a minimum difference of 2 points; * In case of a tie in the set at the end (24 x 24), the match continues until the difference of two is reached points (26 x 24, 27 x 25, etc.);

* Setter: player in charge of the second pass or attack construction pass. * Finisher: player in charge of the third contact or auction. * Universal - A player who can perform both the setter and the finisher functions. * Libero: player who always plays in the back areas, who cannot finish, or serve, or place in the front area

* The 5-1 attack system The 5-1 system is currently the most widespread and is played by most teams that have achieved a certain technique. It consists of 5 possible auctioneers and 1 setter. * The 4-2 attack system The 4-2 attack system consists of 4 spikers and 2 setters.

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