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Escape from Math Manor

5th Grade - Geometry

Unlock Door 1

Solve each problem. Then, use the answer to unlock the next question. Make sure you use all lowercase letters!When you're ready, use the password manor to unlock door 1.

You'll have to crack the code to escape from Math Manor!

Room 1

*Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next question.

Unlock the Door

Quadrilaterals can share some of the same angle and side properties. In the table below, select the property that is shared by the pair of quadrilaterals in each column.

Room 2

Fill in the circles to match the shape to the correct region on the Venn diagram.

*Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next question.

Unlock the Door

John draws a Venn diagram to classify different shapes.

a. He traveled 40 miles on his bike.b. He traveled 70 miles on his bike. c. His bike ride lasted 5 hours.d. His bike ride lasted 4 hours.

Which statement is true about Mr. Johnson's trip?

Room 3

Unlock the Door

Mr. Johnson drove his car for 1 hour to get to a park from his home. Then he rode his bike along the bike trails. The start and finish points of his bike trip are represented on the coordinate plane.

Room 4

Select all the statements about the points' locations that are true.

a. Point C is closer to the x-axis than point L is.b. Point C is farther from the y-axis than point A is.c. Point L is closer to the x-axis than point H is. d. Point H is farther from the y-axis than point L is.e. Point A is the farthest from the origin.f. Point C is the closest to the origin.

Unlock the Door

The location of four points are shown below.

Room 5

a. (1, 1)b. (7, 6)c. (8, 4) d. (6, 7)

Unlock the Door

What are the coordinates of point F?

Room 6

a. (4, 6)b. (6 ,0)c. (6, 4)d. (10, 10)

Unlock the Door

Point C is 6 units away from the origin in the direction of the x-axis, and 4 units away from the origin in the direction of the y-axis.What could be the coordinates of point C?

Room 7

Which location is at (6, 4)on the coordinate grid?

a. Keith's houseb. Libraryc. Schoold. Swimming Pool

Unlock the Door

The map shows the locations of several buildings in Keith's town.

Room 8

Rita traveled 1 unit left and 3 units up. She ended at the grocery store. The ordered pair that describes where she started is

Trevor walked from one location to another by traveling 2 units right and 3 units down. Trevor traveled from the

Unlock the Door

Trevor and Rita are walking around their neighborhood. The points on the coordinate grid represent locations in their neighborhood.Complete the statements about Trevor and Rita. For each blank, fill in the circle before the phrase that is correct.

Type your answer as a number.

Room 9

Unlock the Door

How many units is the perimeter of Rectangle PQRS shown in the coordinate plane below?

a. The new location of the library is (1, 7). b. The new location of the library is (1, 3). c. The new location of the library is 3 units away from the school. d. You can move from the new location of the library to the grocery store by going 4 units up and 6 units right. e. The new location of the library is farther away from the origin than the old location.

Room 10

Unlock the Final Door!

David uses the coordinate plane to design his model town layout, as shown at the right. David moves the library 3 units left and 2 units down to make a new town layout. Which statements about his new town layout are true? Select all the correct answers.

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