Want to make creations as awesome as this one?








Lorem Ipsum dolor

  • meat
  • =
  • ground

  • coin
  • =
  • ground


Write a subtitle here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

· dog

· phone

· coin

· meat

· empty

· Location

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 1

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 1

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 1

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 2

  • coin
  • =
  • ground
  • 1

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

Drag and discover

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 1

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

  • meat
  • =
  • ground
  • 2

  • coin
  • =
  • ground

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

Step 2: On Title page

On all pages (except Title page)

Group this with a picture of the key in the inventory. Ideally group it in a way that you can still see what number the "groupe" element shows.

Step 1: Naming your elements

If you have several objects to be picked up, you need a set of templates for each one (duplicate the blue template slides).Choose a name for each item (e.g. key1, key2 , coin, food...) and rename the bullet point "nom de la variable" with that name. The number of the "groupe" element always has to match the number in the last bullet point. The yellow don't need to be twice on the same page (but careful, there are 3 different types)

Place these two elements anywhere. They will be invisible!

Note: don't worry if some code elements are visible in preview mode, they will be invisible in presentation mode.DO NOT COPY and PASTE items onto the SAME page after you have grouped them with “groupe”, it messes up the numbering! You CAN copy them and paste them onto a new page.

Put anywhere on page

Group "C_OFF" with the picture of the key on the ground and one of the "groupe" elements, make sure you can still see the name of "groupe". Go to a different slide and come back, so the "groupe" elements updates the numbering. Make sure it has the same number as the last bullet point of the "inventory" list and the "ground" list. If not, start again.

Step 4 Put on the page where you pick up the key

Group the green box with an identical picture of the key in the inventory. Place it on a layer on top of the picture that is grouped with "groupe", but don't group them together.

  • coin
  • =
  • inventory

Pictures needed: One picture of the key lying on the ground. Two copies of a picture of the key in the inventory.

Place this put it on top of red box and the key on the ground (needs to be top layer). Don't group red and black, but black needs to be grouped with "bouton". You can ungroup to re-size the black box to exactly cover the key, but then group black and "bouton" again

Put this anywhere on the page

Put these two anywhere on the page

  • coin
  • =
  • ground
  • 0

  • key
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

Step 5: On the page where you open the lock

Put anywhere on page

Group red with a picture of the closed box.

Group this with a picture of the open box.

Group black and "groupe" with the picture of the key in the inventory (from step 3) .

Pictures needed: One picture of a closed lock and one of an open lock

  • meat
  • =
  • ground

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory
  • 1

Step 2: On Title page

On all pages (except Title page)

Group this with a picture of the key in the inventory. Ideally group it in a way that you can still see what number the "groupe" element shows.

Step 1: Naming your elements

If you have several objects to be picked up, you need a set of templates for each one (duplicate the blue template slides).Choose a name for each item (e.g. key1, key2 , coin, food...) and rename the bullet point "nom de la variable" with that name. The number of the "groupe" element always has to match the number in the last bullet point. The yellow don't need to be twice on the same page (but careful, there are 3 different types)

Place these two elements anywhere. They will be invisible!

Note: don't worry if some code elements are visible in preview mode, they will be invisible in presentation mode.DO NOT COPY and PASTE items onto the SAME page after you have grouped them with “groupe”, it messes up the numbering! You CAN copy them and paste them onto a new page.

Put anywhere on page

Group "C_OFF" with the picture of the key on the ground and one of the "groupe" elements, make sure you can still see the name of "groupe". Go to a different slide and come back, so the "groupe" elements updates the numbering. Make sure it has the same number as the last bullet point of the "inventory" list and the "ground" list. If not, start again.

Step 4 Put on the page where you pick up the key

Group the green box with an identical picture of the key in the inventory. Place it on a layer on top of the picture that is grouped with "groupe", but don't group them together.

  • meat
  • =
  • inventory

Pictures needed: One picture of the key lying on the ground. Two copies of a picture of the key in the inventory.

Place this put it on top of red box and the key on the ground (needs to be top layer). Don't group red and black, but black needs to be grouped with "bouton". You can ungroup to re-size the black box to exactly cover the key, but then group black and "bouton" again

Put this anywhere on the page

Put these two anywhere on the page

  • key
  • =
  • inventory
  • 0

  • meat
  • =
  • ground
  • 1

Step 5: On the page where you open the lock

Put anywhere on page

Group red with a picture of the closed box.

Group this with a picture of the open box.

Group black and "groupe" with the picture of the key in the inventory (from step 3) .

Pictures needed: One picture of a closed lock and one of an open lock

Right-hand menus