- Planning scheme mapping
- Create supporting tools and user guides
- Rural Futures Study
- Review the Maryborough and Pialba Principal Centre local plans
- Redraft the Planning Scheme Policy for Development Works
- Ensure Council's Infrastructure related strategies are reflected in the planning scheme
- Flood
- Map Matters of Local Environmental Significance (MLES) and update Council's Vegetation Offset Policy
- Ensure Council's Environmental Strategies or strategies that impact on the environment are reflected in the planning scheme
- Building heights review
- Consult with Traditional Owners
- Investigate appropriate levels of protection for residential, commercial and industrial properties in Maryborough that display desirable character values
- Develop new local plans for small communities
- Develop new local plans for areas highlighted through development assessment issues and studies/plans.
- Design guideline
Projects to be undertaken:
- ePlanning online platform
- Industry Land supply assessment
- Review and amend the Local Governent Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
- Coastal hazards
- Local plans:
- Review of existing local plans
Improve our resilence to natural hazards
Improve the liveability of our neighbourhoods
Provide housing diversity and choice
Make the planning scheme easier to access, understand
and use
Support the creation of employment opportunities
Efficiently plan and deliver infrastructure
Protect and enhance our unique natural environment