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Learn about the items in the sanctuary area of a Catholic Church.


Explore the church with your mouse to learn about the items in the Sanctuary Area. There are 8 hidden items to learn more about!

The altar represents a table, recalling the Last Supper. Just as Jesus gathered around a table with the twelve apostles then, we gather around the altar together to receive the bread from heaven. For Mass there is always at least two candles and a crucifix on the altar. The altar is always covered with 3 altar cloths.

Whenever you see the red sanctuary candle lit, you know Jesus is present in the tabernacle.

The presider's char is where the priest, who is celebrating Mass sits.

The Ambo is where the readings from the Holy Bible are read from. There are 4 readings for Mass,1 from the Old Testament. 1 Psalm. 1 from the New Testament. and one from a Gospel.

In most Churches there is a statue or image of Mary on right side of the altar. This is keeping the Jewish tradition of having the Queen Mother sit at the right hand of the King.