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The interaction

4. The musculoskeletal system

3. The sense organs

2. The nervous system


1. The interaction

3. We carry out the reaction with our musculoskeletal system

2. Our nervous system interprets that information and it decides how to react

1. We receive information through or sense organs

Through the function of interaction we receive information about what is happening inside and ouside of our body

Brain stem




Spinal Cord

PERIPHERAL nervous system

CENTRAL nervous system





We have five sense organs that receive information. CLICK in all of them to know more things!


The sense organs


  • The iris is a muscle with an opening in the middle. It changes size to control the amount of light that enters the eye.
  • The pupil is the opening in the middle of the iris. Light passes through the pupil and travels through the lens to the back of the eye.
  • The retina is at the back of the eye. It receives images and converts them into signals. It sends the signals to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain interprets them as colour, shape, size and distance.
  • The eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes protect our eyes.

The sight: eye


  • The outer ear contains the opening to the ear canal. Vibrations enter the outer ear and travel through the ear canal.
  • The middle ear contains the eardrum and three small bones. The vibrations from the ear canal pass through the middle ear before reaching the inner ear.
  • The inner ear contains the cochlea. This receives vibrations from the three small bones and converts the vibrations into signals.The signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve.

The hearing


  • When we eat or drink, the taste buds on the tongue detect substances in the food or drink.The taste buds send signals to the brain via the gustatory nerve.The brain interprets these signals as tastes.The four main tastes are: salty, sweet, bitter and sour.

The taste

The smell


  • When we inhale through the nostrils, the mucous membrane in the nose detects substances in the air. The mucous membrane sends signals to the brain via the olfactory nerve.The brain interprets the information it receives, and we perceive the signals as smells.

The touch


Nerve endings

  • When we touch something, the nerve endings in our skin detect the texture of a surface and the temperature.The nerve endings in our skin send signals to our brain. The brain interprets the information it receives and we experience heat, cold, pressure and texture. We experience extreme conditions as pain.Some areas of our body, such as the fngertips, contain many nerve endings. The fngertips are very sensitive


Let´s know a little about our musculoskeletal system!

REMEMBER: 1. We receive information through or sense organs2. Our nervous system interprets that information and it decides how to react3. We carry out the reaction with our musculoskeletal system

Skeleton and muscles

¡Aprende los huesos en español!



  • Our skeleton supports the body
  • It protects vital organs
  • It helps us to move
  • There are 206 bones in an adult skeleton.
  • The point where two or more bones connect is called a joint

¡Aprende los músculos en español!



  • Muscles produce movement when they contract and relax.
  • There are muscles that are connected to the bones by tendons and muscles not connected.