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Student name: Javier Arango
Group number: 60
Date: 20-03-2021

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Student name: Javier ArangoGroup number: 60Date: 20-03-2021

Cost approach method

How can companies create value from their innovation, applying the method according to the method selected previously?

It is a method in which the value of the technology is calculated based on the historical costs that have been incurred for the production of said technology.


Processes related to the calculation of the value of technology using the selected method.


To use this method, it is then necessary to calculate the costs derived from the process that is being valued and among which we can mention:

  • Costs of the material used in the development of the technology.
  • Labor costs: wages, taxes, workers' compensation, insurance, bonuses and other fees.
  • Other prorated structure costs
  • Costs of new improvements and redesigns.

  • In essence it would not be considered a valuation method of the business project because it does not delve into the potential this, but raises a trace of all costs incurred through of the history to obtain the result (product / service) object of technology transfer. It is a traceability process backwards that makes it possible to have the current value of the investment made by the university institution to carry out the project. In a negotiation is an essential piece of information that should always be available to financially validate with potential investors the monetary contributions made by the institution.