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Let's watch a video!


True or false?


True or false?Answers!


Chat about the video!


Let's role-play!






What happens on World Bicycle Day?




Let's imagine!


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A Celebration:World Bicycle Day!

Discuss the questions in groups and feedback. Read through the video-watching task with students. Feel free to make predictions. When you are ready click on the play button. Discuss:

  1. When was the last time you had a party or celebrated something with family and friends? What did you celebrate and how?
  2. What is the next thing you are hoping to celebrate?
  3. What occasions do people usually meet up for in your country?


  1. The story takes place in modern times
  2. The language they use is in a modern style.
  3. The woman gives the man an important task.
  4. The woman with a mask is a prisoner.
  5. They have organised a wedding party

Get students to copy these statements and then watch the video again to check their comprehension. The answers are: 1. True, it's London today. 2. False, it's old English, typically heard in fantasy dramas like Game of Thrones. 3. True, a task and a basket. 4. False, they have organised a surprise party for her. 5. False, we hear someone say 'Happy Birthday'. Then discuss the open questions.

  1. Do you like the video?
  2. What films do you know in which people speak like this?
  3. What phrases can you remember that are typical of old-fashioned English?

You are at a meeting to decide what to do where you live for World Bicycle Day. Students will role-play this meeting. It is a good idea to appoint a chairperson to manage the meeting and hold a vote at the end.

  1. Did you know that the United Nations has nominated June 3rd as "World Bicycle Day"?
  2. Why do you think the UN has recognise a World day for bicycles?
  3. What do you think happens on this day?

This slide deals with collocations from the website. Ask students to find these collocations in the article and tell you what the whole sentence is. They can then make their own sentences with the collocations.

Students imagine a bicycle event will happen where they live and discuss what form it should take. Your town, city or neighborhood has decided to celebrate World Bicycle Day and would like people to make suggestions of how to celebrate. Discuss with a partner and come up with ideas...

This page involves learners using their smartphones to scan a QR code to do a reading comprehension from the UN website. This is a great way to get learners to see the potential of these devices for learning, and saves you from cutting down trees with all your photocopying! It does involve a level of technical support as a teacher so make sure you understand how QR codes work in advance. As a lead-in, get the students to discuss the questions in pairs or groups, then feedback to the class. They then scan the QR code on their mobile and read the article to check their answers. Need help with QR code scanning? It's a great way to reach a website from mobiles. iPhones automatically read QR codes. Android phones may need an app downloaded such as a QR code reader