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Pediatric and 
Real life VS Grey's Anatomy
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Pediatric and fetal surgery

Real life VS Grey's Anatomy

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What is pediatric surgery?

Pediatric surgery is a surgical specialty that deals with the care of fetuses, infants, children, and adolescents. The upper age limit ranges from age 14 to 18, depending on the country, before the patient would be seen by another physician for any medical problems. Pediatric surgery has its own sub-specialties branching into other specialties, such as pediatric general surgery, pediatric neurosurgery and pediatric cardiothoracic surgery, as well as two sub-specialties of its own, neonatal surgery and fetal surgery.

Pediatric surgery

Fetal surgery (sometimes referred to as prenatal surgery or maternal-fetal surgery) is a surgical sub-specialty of pediatric surgery that includes any of a broad range of surgical techniques that are used to treat birth defects in fetuses who are still in the pregnant uterus. Surgeons trained in fetal surgery are called fetal surgeons or maternal-fetal surgeons. Due to the field of fetal surgery being relatively new, the few fetal surgeons that are practicing are essentially inventing it. Additionally, fetal surgeons, even those with a background in pediatric surgery, are trained to handle maternal-fetal/obstetrical cases that do not require fetal surgery performed.

What is Fetal surgery?

Fetal surhgery

General Surgery

Cardiac Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Stephen Dolgin

Redmond Burke

Scott P. Bartlett

One of best pediatric surgeons in the world

The series follows Meredith Grey and the team of doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial who are faced with life-or-death decisions on a daily basis. They seek comfort from one another, and, at times, more than just friendship. Together, they discover that neither medicine or relationships can't be defined in black and white. In the show we can see surgeons struggle with unimaginable cases. Gray's anatomy covers all the problems of everyday life from operations to even divorces. You can learn a lot more than just medicine from watching Gray's.

Grey's Anatomy

-OB\GYN-Fetal surgeon-neonational suregon

Head of Pediatric surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital

-Head of fetal surgery-Attending Pediatric Surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital

Addison Montgomery

Alex karev

Arizona Robbins

Peds and Fetal team in Grey's Anatomy

1.Twin to twin syndrome (ttts)- Przetoczenie krwi między bliźniakami w macicy2.Mirror Syndrome with a in-utero blood transfusion- wszystkie narządy położone po przeciwnej stronie niż normalnie(przetoczenie krwi)3. Fetal Hydrocephalus- Wodogłowie Płodu

some cases of Fetal surgery In Grey's Anatomy

1. Organs transplant-przeszczepy narządów2.Neurtoblastoma-nerwiak zarodkowy3.Microsurgery to cuttethered spinal cord-przecięcie przywiazanego rdzenia kręgosłupa4.Digestive ststem transplant- przeszczep układu pokarmowego

Some cases of peds in Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy episode helped save a baby's life

Little girl has a hydroplastic right heart syndrome which affects 1 in 10,000 pregnant women. The girl's mother got information from doctors that nothing could be done about it, but she watched episode of Gray's where Dr. Robbins is dealing with a similar case ...

Aleksandra KalinowskaAlicja WisińskaAleksandra Woźniak

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