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  • Readiness
    • are essential for success in the current grade or course.  
    • are important for  preparedness for next year 
  • Supporting
    • although introduced and/or reinforced in current grade or course they may be emphasized in a subsequent year.  
    • they play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course but not a central role.
  • Process
    • Tools to know: represent the strategies and structures a student uses to access learning. 
    • ways to show: represent the way a student demonstrates understanding/communicates knowledge.  
the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. TEKS
Texas Essential knowledge and skills (Teks)
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Texas Essential knowledge and skills (Teks)

the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. TEKS


Connecting Teks to teaching




Parts of the TEKS:



-Knowledge and skills

-Student Expectation

6.13 Measurement and data. The student applies mathematical process standards to use numerical or graphical representation to solve problems. The student is expected to: (A) interpret numeric data summarized in dot plots, stem and leaf plots, histograms and box plots and (B) distinguish between situations that yield data with and without variability.

-Strand: the way the knowkledge is organized

-Knowledge and Skills: knowledge or skills are expected to have for strand.

-Student Expectation: What the students are expected to know including content and specific skills

Standard types

  • Readiness:
    • are essential for success in the current grade or course.
    • are important for preparedness for next year
  • Supporting:
    • although introduced and/or reinforced in current grade or course they may be emphasized in a subsequent year.
    • they play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course but not a central role.
  • Process:
    • Tools to know: represent the strategies and structures a student uses to access learning.
    • ways to show: represent the way a student demonstrates understanding/communicates knowledge.





% of Assessed Curriculum





% of TEKS Tested on STAAR

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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