Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


1. On December 1st, 1982, Michael Jackson released his song "Thriller". This song had a huge racial impact on African Americans because it led to them being featured on MTV. 2. Michael Jackson made dance history by introducing the Moonwalk in 1983 influencing people around the world to mimic and be inspired by his dance moves. 3. His concert in Liverpool was the 13th biggest concert in the world which took place in 1988. 4. Michael Jackson had lost his title as the King of Pop in 1933 but quickly regained with his halftime performance at the Super Bowl XXVI which changed halftime shows as we know it. 5. In the year of 2009, when he died he became the best selling artist in the U.S

Michael Jackson revolutionized the music industry into what we listen to today. "It was overwhelming to see the out pouring of love for him from all over the world not just here when he died. And yes, remember, 'We Are The World'. The song that brought together so many different artists for a worthy cause. His music moved the whole world!" - Adrija Red- Cloud. This quote shows how his music affected others to want to come together and how they all cared for him. This means that he impacted others through his music emotionally. This matters because his music connected people from all over the world. Michael Jackson changed Super Bowl halftime shows to what we see today. This shows that his music impacted part of the music industry by having halftime shows being known for musicians rather than corny performances and marching bands. This means that he created pop to what we here today because thousands of people heard his music and were intrigued. This is important because it put halftime shows on a whole other level and was an advertisement for the genre of pop that we listen to today.

Name: Michael Jackson Date of Birth: August 29, 1958 Date of Death: June 25, 2009 Where He is From: Gary, Indiana What He is Know For: Singer, Song-writer, and a Dancer. Also known as the "King of Pop"

Michael Jackson Singing at the Super Bowl Michael Jackson Doing HIs Signature Move, the Toe Stand

I think if Michael Jackson hadn't changed the music industry, then we wouldn't hear the music we hear on the radio. If he didn't impact our music industry, then we would probably be listening to pop rock.

  • He gave his first public performance at the age of 5 singing "Climb Every Mountain"
  • After signing a $5 million deal with Pepsi- Cola, he got severely injured while filming a commercial, It caused burns to his face and scalp.
  • He was a son in law of Elvis Presley

  • He won 13 Grammy's
  • He was a child prodigy
  • He was the first black artist to be on MTV

https://ohfact.com/michael-jackson-facts/ https://www.biography.com/news/michael-jackson-iconic-moments https://www.folomojo.com/remembering-the-king-of-pop-10-signature-michael-jackson-dance-moves-that-always-dazzled-you/ https://www.thirteen.org/beatles/wp-content/themes/beatles/iframe-content.php?entry=Michael_Jackson.html https://medium.com/@aly.wilburn/the-king-of-pop-how-michael-jackson-revolutionized-the-music-industry-f90087dd2928#:~:text=The%20impact%20Michael%20Jackson%20had,music%20is%20produced%20and%20promoted https://www.guitarlobby.com/biggest-concerts-of-all-time/#:~:text=Michael%20Jackson%20in%20Prague%20(1996,125%2C000%20fans%20in%20Letn%C3%A1%20Park

December 1st, 1982- Michael Jackson released his song "Thriller". This song had a huge racial impact on African Americans because it led to them being featured on MTV. 1983- Michael Jackson made dance history by introducing the Moonwalk in 1983 influencing people around the world to mimic and be inspired by his dance moves. 1988- His concert in Liverpool was the 13th biggest concert in the world which took place in 1988. 1933- Michael Jackson had lost his title as the King of Pop in 1933 but quickly regained with his halftime performance at the Super Bowl XXVI which changed halftime shows as we know it. 2009- In the year of 2009, when he died he became the best selling artist in the U.S