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in black and white
 red tape
in the red 
green with envy;
& the green light
out of the blue
a white lie
to feel blue
the red carpet
in the black
#1 Idioms from Colours 
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in black and white

red tape

in the red

green with envy;& the green light

out of the blue

a white lie

to feel blue

the red carpet

in the black

#1 Idioms from Colours

© IQ_elas

The letter came out of the blue! I wasn't expecting it.But there it was in black and white, signed by the bank manager. I had no money in my checking account. I was in the red. I couldn't believe it. So I went to see the manager. We tried to solve the problem together. The bank had made a mistake. Instead of putting five thousand rubles to my account, it had put only fifty! Because it was not my fault, they reopened my account with no red tape. Now I have the green light to make out checks again.

in the red

© IQ_elas

  • Jack earns a thousand dollars a week. He doesn't worry about having enough money.
  • He is always in the black.

in the black

© IQ_elas

When somebody famous visits us, the town rolls out the red carpet in person's honour.

the red carpet

© IQ_elas

  • On my birthday I was alone and feeling blue. Then my friends came and invited me out. My sadness dissapeared.

to feel blue

© IQ_elas

  • I didn't want to go for a walk, and I told my friend a white lie that I didn't feel well.

a white lie

© IQ_elas

The news on the factory's closing came out of the blue. No one was expecting it.

© IQ_elas

The bank has given us the money. Now we have the green light to start the project.

I was green with envy when I saw her with my best friend.

Green with envy or The green light?

© IQ_elas

  • Every time you want to get a new passport, you have to go through a lot of red tape.Sometimes getting papers takes a lot of time.

red tape

© IQ_elas

A place where illegal business is carried on is called the black market.

There it was in black and white, as clear as it could be. The letter said that I had been recruited.

in black and white or the black market?

© IQ_elas

Read the definitions and type the correct idiom in the space provided.

11.the market not controlled by the government

10. special honors for important person

9. the okay to start something

8. having money

7. to feel sad

6. jealous of someone else's good fortune

5. something that is not true but that causes no harm

4. very clear and easy to understand


3. complicated official procedures and forms

2. owing money, in debt

1. by surprise, unexpectedly


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