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Presente Simple


Nombre: Batalla Garcez Alison

Presente Simple

¿Qué es el presente simple?

Present Simple, también llamado simple present o present tense, es el tiempo presente en inglés. Se asemeja al presente de indicativo en español y se utiliza para expresar acciones que tienen lugar en el momento del habla, que forman parte de una rutina y se repiten con regularidad, acciones que se suceden una tras otra, que están programadas, o hechos con una validez permanente.


Colin likes football. He is a forward. A forward tries to score goals for his team. Colin plays football every Tuesday. His training starts at five o’clock. After school Colin goes home, packs his bag, puts on his football shirt and then he goes to football training. He has to take the bus. The bus leaves at half past four.


El present simple se utiliza en inglés para expresar: situaciones que se producen de forma regular o habitual, que se suelen acompañar de marcadores temporales (always, never, rarely, often); Ejemplo: He plays football every Tuesday. acciones que se suceden; Ejemplo: After school Colin goes home, packs his bag, puts on his football shirt and then he goes to football training. situaciones de validez general; Ejemplo: A forward tries to score goals for his team. actividades futuras que forman parte de un programa u horario; Ejemplo: The bus leaves at half past four. His training starts at five o’clock. oraciones que expresan situaciones estables o de validez permanente o que contienen verbos relacionados con el pensamiento o la memoria. Ejemplo: Colin likes football. He is a forward.

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1: We lave in canada .2: They children eat in the house .3: I work in the iffice.

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1: He works in and office.2: She is on a romantic date.3: It's a spanish book and sciences
