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Display a timer on several slides

Real Time display

To display the real time, place one of the 2 black thumbnails, grouped with the text area (font can be changed).

Red box and text area to be placed on all slides where the tmer will be visible.

Red box to be placed on the slide where the stopwatch starts.

optional: Red box to be placed i the slide where the timer is restarted.

Display a minutes countdown on several slides

... and the same thing but in seconds

Green box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

Green box and value to be placed on the slide where the timer starts: The text shows the time in minutes.

Green box and any value to be placed on the slide where the timer is to be restarted: time in min.

box grouped with an object that appears when the time is up. Works with minutes and seconds.

Box grouped with an object that disappears when the time is up.

Orange box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder starts: time to be indicated in seconds.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder should restart: time in sec.

If you have difficulty changing the colour of the text, recreate a text area and group it with the box.











Le compte du temps débute à zéro.

Vous réglez le temps total, et le minuteur fait décroître ce temps jusque zéro.