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Séquence Comics - part 2

Le discours direct/indirect


a Comic COVER

from pages to reality


The cover page of a comic represents the major (=majeur) event of the story.

Click here :


from pages to reality


from pages to reality

Explain the historical period + Name/description of superhero + how does he/she reflect the historical period

Explain the historical period + Name/description of superhero + how does he/she reflect the historical period

Explain the historical period + Name/description of superhero + how does he/she reflect the historical period

Explain the historical period + Name/description of superhero + how does he/she reflect the historical period

Historical period

Historical period

Historical period

Historical period

Timeline : a century of comics

Look at the cover. Le texte est écrit au discours direct. Si un journaliste devait raconter cette histoire dans un article il utiliserait le discours indirect/rapporté.

Le discours direct/indirect

Discours direct/indirect

Discours indirect

Mr invisible said he couldn't turn invisible fast enough. - absence de guillemets - verbe introducteur : Mr Invisible said - changement de pronom : I = he - changement de temps verbal : le text a été dit dans le passé, on le rapporte donc on transforme le présent en passé can't = couldn't

"I can't turn invisible fast enough!" - utilisation de guillemets - on parle à quelqu'un

Discours direct

CLick here to read the lesson

Si vous avez le courage, regardez les 4 vidéos.

Watch the lesson

Do the activity in your notebook

That's all for this week !

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