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Click on each of the pink plus buttons to listen to Fiona Kearney, advisor for L1L2LPs, answering questions from MFL teachers. 
How does it work?
Integrating L3 and L2
How does it work? Learning and Teaching
Who studies L2LPs?
How does it work?
Assessment and Reporting
Is there a place for an MFL for students following L2LPs?
What are L2LPs?
Level 2 Learning Programmes
Junior Cycle MFL
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Junior Cycle MFL

Level 2 Learning Programmes

What are L2LPs?

Is there a place for an MFL for students following L2LPs?

How does it work?Assessment and Reporting

Who studies L2LPs?

How does it work? Learning and Teaching

How does it work?Integrating L3 and L2

Click on each of the pink plus buttons to listen to Fiona Kearney, advisor for L1L2LPs, answering questions from MFL teachers.

Click on the six pictures for interactive content.

Assessment of Level 2 Learning Programmes is school-based and ongoing, and an opportunity to showcase students' strengths, skills and talents. Students compile a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates their achievement of learning outcomes over the three years of Junior Cycle. Evidence can be collected in hard copy, audio, video, blogs, photographs, artefacts and other formats. This variety promotes more accessible learning and assessment activities. Below is a diagram illustrating the process of generating, gathering and assessing evidence of learning in Level 2 Learning Programmes: Further notes on assessment and achievement:

  • Students should achieve 50% + 1 of learning outcomes in each element of a priority learning unit to receive 'Achieved' as a descriptor in their JCPA (the learning outcomes from a PLU can be achieved across various subjects and in different contexts)
  • Students following a Level 2 Learning Programme could either engage in CBAs at Level 3, or in teacher-devised CBAs at Level 2.
In this last case, teachers and students can agree on a form of classroom-based assessment suitable to the individual student(s). The teacher will subsequently devise appropriate features of quality to assess the Level 2 classroom-based assessments. Achievement of these CBAs will be noted in the "Other Areas of Learning" section of the student's JCPA.
  • The assessment moments for Level 2 short courses are classroom-based assessments. No portfolio is mandated to assess short courses.
  • A final examination is not part of a Level 2 Learning Programme.
Information on portfolios and assessing priority learning units can be accessed from this assessment of priority learning units link on our website. For short courses, guidelines are available from the NCCA, and are also accessible from this assessment of L2 short courses link on our website. Finally, guidelines and sample templates on reporting are also available from the Reporting page on ncca.ie.

For further information, visit the L2LP section of our website.


L2LPs are suited to students with general learning disabilities in the higher functioning moderate and low functioning mild categories. The special needs of these students are such as to prevent them from accessing some or all of the subjects and short courses on offer at junior cycle that are broadly aligned with Level 3 NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). Framework for Junior Cycle (2015), p. 23 The decision that a student follows a Level 2 Learning Programme is made on a collaborative basis, with parent/guardian consent, when the needs of a student prevents him/her from following a subject at a Level 3 NFQ. Data supporting this decision-making process may be provided by:

  • Psychological reports (stating mild/moderate general learning difficulty)
  • Education passports from students' primary school highlighting access to resource/significant support
  • Internal assessment or screening results, such as CAT, WIAT-III-T
  • SET (Special Education Teacher) and school management discussions, student voice and parent/guardian consultation informing student support plans
  • Multi-disciplinary observations, including from agencies external to the school.
There is a very small percentage of students who follow Level 2 Learning Programmes, averaging 2 to 3% nationally.

In an MFL class, a student could engage with learning outcomes from PLUs, with or without additional support. For a subject like a modern foreign language, most similarities between learning outcomes from the Level 3 specification and those from PLUs are found in, but are not limited to, areas such as: Communication and Literacy, Numeracy and Living in the Community. When planning, an MFL teacher can find suggestions for potential links in this linking document. Please find below a small example from a planning document, showing how L2LP learning outcomes could be embedded in a unit of learning alongside level 3 learning outcomes: Extract from an MFL planning documentWithin the context described above, for example, there could be a focus on formal and informal greetings for the student(s) following Level 2 Learning Programmes.


Students following Level 2 Learning Programmes have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. Access to a modern foreign language would support this.

Throughout the three years of junior cycle, students can be offered opportunities to learn and demonstrate their achievement of learning outcomes from L2LPs in a wide range of contexts.

Subject specifications at junior cycle level are broadly aligned with level 3 of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). As part of the new Junior Cycle, schools can now include programmes called Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) designed for a small number of students with particular special educational needs. (Framework for Junior Cycle 2015, p. 23) National Framework of Qualifications

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