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The Trip

by Bruna Santana, 6th B


Places to visit/Fun things to do

Capital City


Famous monuments

Famous dishes




Capital City: Luanda

Angola is located in southern Africa. It is bordered to the north by the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the south by Namibia, to the east by Zambia and to the west by the Atlantic.

Capital City


The official language of Angola is Portuguese but they speak other languages,for example: Umbundu, Kinbudu,Kicongo,Côkwe,Nganguela, Kwanyama and others.

1 Kwanza (AOK)= 1 Angolan shield1 New Kwanza (AON)= 1 kwanza (AOK)1 Kwanza Readjusted (AOR)= 1000 New Kwanzas(AON)1 Kwanza (AOA)= 1.000.000 Kwanzas Readjusted


1914/1977- "Angolan Shield" 1977/1990- "Kwanza (AOK)" 1990/1995- "New Kwanza (AON)" 1995/1999- "Kwanza Readjusted (AOR)" 1999/present- "Kwanza (AOA)"

2- The Arch Lagoon

3- Candagal National Park

5- Dala Waterfalls

4- Iona National Park

1- Dilolo lake

In Angola we can visit and have fun at:

Places to visit / Fun things to do

The two traditional dishes of Angola are: muamba and pirão or funge

Muamba contains: chicken, peanuts, okra, palm oil, gindungo, onion and garlic. Pirão or funge contains: corn or cassava flour. (It's the side dish of Muamba).

Famous dishes

1- "Monumento da paz"2- "Fortaleza da Muxima"3- "Igreja da Nossa Senhora de Muxima"4- "Lagoa da pouca vergonha"

Famous monuments

1. Angola is rich in diamonds, oil and iron ore.

2. Slaves captured in Angola took "Capoeira" to Brazil.3. The main river in Angola is the Kwanza, the name that baptizes the national currency
