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family life

Asking and giving information

word order (adjectives)

commas, periods, and spanish words

wrong possessive 's or overuse

plural subjects / a /an

typos, spelling and capital letters

have for age / years

Homework feedback

volunteers to ask and to answer questions?



Check when we use commas and periods.

Remember you can add information about WHEN you do certain actions. When talking about routines we use the present simple tense. You can use different phrases:When you mention a part of the day: In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, or at night. When you mention the day:On Monday, on Saturday, on Friday... (Remember we use capital letters to write the days of the week).When you mention the hour:At six am, at nine pm, at 8.30 am...You can also combine information:On Saturday morning, on Friday at 6 pm, on Wednesday afternoon...


Complete the following sentences with information that is TRUE to you.On Monday morning, On Wednesday at six pm,On Sunday at 11 am, On Friday night,


This is my family's Saturday routine. In the morning, my parents wake up at 8 am. My mother wakes me and my brother up at 9 am. We eat breakfast together at 9.30 am and we watch TV. My brother cleans the table and I wash dishes.In the afternoon, my uncle Peter takes the dogs to the park and plays with them. My aunt Anita takes her daughters to our house and my brother and me play videogames with them. At 4 pm, we eat together. My mom cooks the food and my aunt sets the table. We also eat dessert and we talk about our week. In the evening, my grandpa José makes popcorn and we watch a movie. We usually watch comedy movies because my cousins do not like horror movies. At around 9 or 10 pm, we drink coffee or tea and then everyone goes home. We go to bed at around eleven pm.



weekend assigments

Do not be afraid to do so on your own. You can ask me any questions.

Upload a screenshot of your participation in Padlet.

ALWAYS make sure to check the due date of each work. Some might close sooner than expected. Avoid getting a low grade.

Padlet part.


family Routine

due dates

You will share a writing about a normal day with your family and describe your routine.