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Alejandra Avendaño Gómez

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Alejandra Avendaño Gómez10B



Of today's reading I liked...that I feel that I made a good decision choosing this book, because I really love to learn more about this civilization and the origin of all those creations and knowledge that they had brought to the humanity.:o

Slightly: In a small amount or degree Hilly: A place with a lot of hills. Rugged: In the case of lands, are the lands where is hard to travel over. Crop: The amount collected of a plant like a grain, fruit or vegetable. Surrounding: That is everywhere around something.


Date: Monday, March 01/ 2021Chapter: Who were the ancient Greeks? Characters: At the moment the book hasn’t mentioned specific characters. It talks about the Greek civilization in general but focused in the geography of their territories, but there is something I know about the people, and is that the most important and older mathematicians, philosophers, scientists and writers were Greek. Locations: The Acropolis in Athens, Greece The Aegean Sea Environment: Around 2000 BCE to 30 BCE the Greek civilization was divided in different groups, but they all shared the same culture.


Of today's reading I liked...that I learned how to say the name of the most recognized philosophers in English, like Plato and Aristotle. Also, the new vocabulary of today is so interesting and I want to use it more in my common Lexile.

Upper: At a higher position or level than something else, or being the top part of something Wide: Used when describing how long the distance between the two sides of something is or when asking for this information Shipwreck: An accident in which a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea Harbor: A protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept Islet: A little island.


Date: Tuesday, March 02/ 2021Chapter: How did ancient Greeks help to shape the modern word? Characters: Thucydides and Herodotus: Two of the first historians. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle: Three of the most important and recognized Philosophers in the history. Hippocrates: A Greek doctor who started to look for scientific reasons of diseases. . Locations: Aegean sea, Mediterranean sea, Modern Turkey, Mount Olympus Environment: The Greeks had a very strong culture and believes, especially regarding to their Gods, who they thought lived in the Mount Olympus..


Of today's reading I liked...the way the book summarizes the most important and relevant facts about the antian Greece, because that makes it easier to understand without getting boredo

Slopes: To be at an angle to the horizontal Tiny: Extremely small Hazards: Something dangerous and likely to cause damage Slip: To move out of the correct position Layer: A level of a material wich is different from the material below it.


Date: Wednesday, March 03/ 2021Chapter: What is the physical geography of the area? Characters: Anaximides of Miletus: He was a philosopher who thought that earthquakes were caused by temperature changes inside the earth. Aristotle: He thought that air currents in the surface on the Earth affects the planet inside. Locations: The large peninsula of land that runs from the southeastern corner of Europe down in to the Mediterranean sea. Crete and Rhodes (Islands) Environment: There are a lot of natural harbors along the coast


Of today's reading I liked...the new vocabulary that I learned, also the book was so interesting because it talked about the troubles between some cities in those years.

Sailors: A person who operates or works on a boat or ship Ivory: Amber: Timber: Vases:


Date: Thursday, March 04/ 2021Chapter: Who ruled after the Minoans? Characters: There are not specific characters here, because they are speaking about a whole civilization called the Mizeneans.. Locations: Mynceneand lands Environment: Around 1250 to 1200 BCE a lot of cities built stronger defenses, because the environment was heavy bètween some civilizations.


Of today's reading I liked...the topic of the growing of the civilizations and how Athens and Sparta became the most important cities-states, I enjoyed this chapter because I like this topic and there were some facts that I already knew.o

Spread: To move from one place to another, or to cause something to move or be communicated Grain: A seed or seeds from a plant, especially a plant like a grass such as rice or wheat Filled: Something dangerous and likely to cause damage Flat: A level but having little or no height Grazing: A land where farm animals feed on grass.


Date: Friday, March 05/ 2021Chapter: How did Antient Greece change after the dark ages? Characters: Children slaves who had been abandoned by his parents. They went to the farms to do the hard work. Locations: Corinth (A city-state) Athens (The most wealthy city-state of Greece for many years) Sparta (A very powerful city-state recognized by their war skills) Environment: The population in Greece increased a lot, so the cities became bigger than before.


Of today's reading I liked...that I understood very well all the ideas and facts described in this pages of the book, and I enjoyed the process of reading.

Spears: Worshipped: Hematite: Sharp: Having a thin edge or point that can cut something or make a hole in something. Blades:


Date: Monday, March 08/ 2021Chapter: What did the sea provide? Characters: As this chapter talks a lot about the sea, the fishermen are the principal characters. They were so important beacuse the sea food was the most common food in the ancient Greece. Poseidon: God of the sea. Hippodamus of Miletus: An architect who designed the new town of Piraeus . Locations: Mediterranean sea, Athens, The Pnyx Hill, a place where the "assembly" had their meetings. Lydia, a city state on the eastern side of the Aegean sea. Environment: Each city-state has thir own government, but around 508 BCE, Athens created a new system: The democracy..


Of today's reading I liked...that I learned about how the Greeks traveled and why the sailors needed a lot of knowledge and strengths to navigate without getting lost in the sea.o

Carved: To make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc. Groove: A long, narrow, hollow space cut into a surface: Wheels: Settlements: The act of going to live in a new place where few people have lived before, or the place where people have come to live Compasses: A device for finding direction with a thin pointed metal part that turns to always point north.


Date: Tuesday, March 09/ 2021Chapter: How did the Antient Greeks travel? Characters: There are not specific characters mentioned in this chapter. It talks about why Greeks preferred to travel by the sea, for example, some sailors had many skills which helped them to create maps by looking the sun, the stars and the shape of the clouds in some specific places. Locations: Aegean sea Environment: Travel overland was dangerous, because travelers were often attacked by bandits in the countryside


Of today's reading I liked...that I could analyze the greek democracy regarding to gender equality. Because we could think that as Greece has been the most educated country since many centuries, women had the opportunity of study and vote too, but they couldn't, and I believe that's something interesting to know.

Abacus: Spinning: Wool: Quarries: Truce:


Date: Wednesday, March 10/ 2021Chapter: What was Antient Greece's culture like? Characters: The goddess Athenea, and other random and general characters like women and children of Ancient Greece. Locations: Some schools, were just boys of wealthy families could study. Olympia: The Olimpic games were in Olympia to honor Zeus. Athens: The Phanatenaic games were in Athens to honor Athenea Environment: The life of Anciente Greek women was not fair. They were married around 15 yeas old to then ran the household, very few women had a paid job and they were not allowed to vote.


Of today's reading I liked...the way the book teach us the causes of the empire decay, because that makes me analyze some important features that makes a powerful government ends.o

Dock: A long structure built over water where passengers can get on or off a boat or where goods can be put on and taken off Crowned: Huge: Extremely large in size or amount Fought: Ptolemy:


Date: Thrusday, March 11/ 2021Chapter: How ended the Ancient Greek way of life? Characters: Philip II: He became king of Macedonia, in 338 BCE he took control of all of Greece, and the independent rule of city-states came to the end. Alexander the Great: Philip's son. He created an empire spreading out Greece's territories. Locations: Athens Sparta, Macedonia, Environment: A terrible plague killed around one-third of the population in Athens, some historians believe it was because of the rats.


Of today's reading I liked...that I learned a lot of things about Greece with this book! Also I'm happy because I remembered some interesting stuff that I heard about the history while I was reading.

Weak: Defeated: To win against someone in a fight, war, or competition Mainland: Trirremes: Wide: Having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in comparison with the length of something; not narrow


Date: Friday, March 12/ 2021Chapter: When did Romans take over ancient Greece? Characters: Cleopatra: The last queen of Egypt before Romans took control. Locations: Egypt Greece Environment: The wars in Greece were weakening the empire, but at the same time, Romans were becoming stroger.

DAY 10


Aleja A.

"Greece is more than one country, our society has a lot of things to learn about their history and culture, and the most important thing: All the things that they brought to humanity"

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