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Presentation made by 
Steven De Foer & Nevena Varga
Founders of the project:
Steven De Foer & Tânia Oliveira
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Presentation made by Steven De Foer & Nevena Varga

Founders of the project: Steven De Foer & Tânia Oliveira

Basic template Presentation

Basic guide to create an awesome presentation

Student introduction

Schools website:

Teacher: Carmela Stragapede

Bitonto, Italy

Schools website:

Teacher: Vilda Kiaunyte

Kaunas, Lithuania

Schools website:

Teacher: Christina Schmeer

Aurich, Germany

Teacher: Tânia Oliveira

Mortágua, Portugal

School´s website:

Teacher: Zuzana Peternai

Nové Zámky, Slovakia

Teacher: Steven De Foer

Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

Teacher: Camille Morisot

Milly La Forêt, France

Schools website:

Teacher: Nevena Varga

Vukovar, Croatia

Teacher: Zuzana

Task 1Vegetable calendar













Play with us, find the pairs (words and pictures) and have fun :)

Play with us, find the words and have fun :)

Teacher: Nevena

Task 2European recipe book

Teacher: Steven & Tânia

Task 3Questionnaire

34 participants from 6 countries 82% choose breakfast as the most important meal in a day! Why? We need to fill our bodies with a lot of energy to get our day off to a good start.


Where do we buy our food? 60% often go shopping in big supermarket, local supermarket and in a local specialized shop as a bakery. 8% get their food in farm shop or in a bio shop. How often do you use...

We consume snacks during breaks in school (41%), in the afternoon (62%) and during free time activities (50%)

When you feel hungry, how do you solve it?

Who has a healthy taste?

Money and food Half of the students (52%) think that one family (4p) spend between 200 euro and 600 euro during one month. 59% of them spend less than 5 euro on snacks in one week, but 18% spend more than 20 euro! 47% estimate the price of a 3 course menu in a restaurant between 20 euro and 40 euro.

Teacher: Steven

Task 4Food and science

Arislau Barbosa


Teacher: Steven

Task 5Food and economics

Creamy pasta with avocado pesto and chicken cubes

Favorite Meal: Vol-au-vent

Baked chicken drumstick, spinach stew and bread

Favorite Meal: Lasagna

Teacher: Vilda

Task 6Food and fun

De grão a grão, enche a galinha o papo.From grain to grain, the chicken fills the crop.

Write proverbs or idioms, related to food (fruit, vegetables, any products...) and translate them in English. Try to find various creative ones!

Quem não é para comer, também não é para trabalhar.Those who are not to eat are also not to work.

Do prato à boca, se perde a sopa.From the plate to the mouth, the soup is lost.


Slovak - Bez práce nie sú koláče literal translation: “Without work you don’t get cakes” Meaning: You have to work first, then you get a reward

Hungarian: Az élet nem fenékig tejfelliteral translation: “Life is not just sour cream” Meaning: Life is not just fun, life is not easy

Write proverbs or idioms, related to food (fruit, vegetables, any products...) and translate them in English. Try to find various creative ones!


Hungarian - Kerülgeti, mint macska a forró kásátliteral meaning - “It/he/she/they etc. is/are walking around it like a cat around hot porridge” Meaning: beating around the bush, avoid expressing themselves straightforwardly

Write proverbs or idioms, related to food (fruit, vegetables, any products...) and translate them in English. Try to find various creative ones!


Ieder bakt zijn koek zoals hij hem eten wilt.Everyone bakes his cake the way he wants to eat it.

Dat ruikt naar peper.That smells like pepper.

Write proverbs or idioms, related to food (fruit, vegetables, any products...) and translate them in English. Try to find various creative ones!

Wie een omelet wil bakken moet eerst eieren breken. If you want to bake an omelette, you first have to break eggs.


Trbuhom za kruhomSearching for bread with your belly (looking for a job to earn money for food)

Ko tebe kamenom, ti njega kruhom.When they throw rocks at you, you throw bread at them. (Be nice to those who are rude to you)

Write proverbs or idioms, related to food (fruit, vegetables, any products...) and translate them in English. Try to find various creative ones!

Nema hleba bez motike.There is no bread without hoe.


Teacher: Christina

Task 7Vegan/Vegetarian

Teacher: Nevena

Task 8Food and art

Teacher: Zuzana

Task 9Types of food

negative-calorie food

medical food

live food

finger food


seasonal food

shelf-stable food

junk food

peasant food


Try our crossword and have fun :)

Teacher: Steven

Task 10Storytelling

Teacher: Steven

Task 11Food and traditions

for more click at the picture

Birthdays in Belgium

Sinterklaas in Belgium

Christmas in Belgium

for more click at the picture

Birthdays in Croatia

Slava – family day

Christmas in Croatia

Untill next time

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