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Grammar Quiz
Perfect Modals
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Grammar Quiz

Perfect Modals

couldn't have stolen

shouldn't have stolen

may not have stolen

Detective, my son __ (not / steal) that car last Sunday afternoon. He was getting married at that time in front of 200 guests!

Question 1/10

Question 2/10

must have done

may have done

should have done

That smart girl studied a lot, so she __ (do) well on the test, but she didn’t.

Question 3/10

might have been

should have been

ought to have been

—Who broke the big vase in the back office? —It __ (be) Brian – he’s very clumsy.

Question 4/10

should have caused

must have caused

may have caused

A giant asteroid hit the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. Scientists have reached a conclusion they’re pretty confident about: that __ (cause) the extinction of the big dinosaurs.

Question 5/10

should have gone

may have gone

would have gone

I’m not sure where the boss went this morning. He __ (go) to our other branch office in Glendale.

Question 6/10

should have studied

must have studied

may have studied

The big grammar test is today. I’m in trouble – I __ (study) last night, but I didn't!

Question 7/10

would rather have been

shouldn't have been

can't have been

Taylor Swift’s latest boyfriend just left her for a younger girl who isn’t even famous. She __ (not / be) happy when she found out! (She'll probably write a song about it.)

had to have talked

Question 8/10

must have talked

Wrong answer

could have talked

—I didn’t know who to ask for help in choosing an American college. —Oh, you __ (talk) to Karen – she’s our school’s university adviser.

Question 9/10

should have gotten

must have gotten

could have gotten

—Wow, Sally has never missed a day of work before. —Well, she was coughing yesterday, and she didn’t look good. She __ (get) sick.

Question 10/10

must have gone

would rather have gone

would have gone

My wife made me go shopping with her last Saturday, but I (rather / go) fishing instead.

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