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Secondary School of Economics, Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Unknown and known women 
that wrote history
March 8
International Women’s Day
8th March 2021
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Unknown and known women that wrote history


Stories that deserve to be known

March 8

International Women’s Day

Proud to be a WOMAN


8th March 2021

Secondary School of Economics, Slavonski Brod, Croatia


what is IWD?

International Women’s Day


Sponsored by the United Nations (UN) since 1975

International holiday celebrated on march 8th


Dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres.

The day, collectively founded by women, also brings attention to gender parity and women's rights.


This sociological metric helps researchers understand how society is progressing or regressing in specific areas. It’s also an important tool for policymakers striving towards gender equality.

Gender parity

a statistical measure that compares women and men through their income, education and work hours, among other points


The world knows very little about women's part in history. We all should educate ourselves more about this issue. Feeling proud to be a woman is essential in today's society. There are numerous names that show us this and they all deserve the recognition. Here we mention some of them.

Proud to be a Woman!


Andrée de Jongh - saved hundreds of Allied airmen escaping from the Nazis

At the age of only 24, Dédée saved 118 of nearly 700 men throughout her 24 missions. When she was eventually captured, she came clean to the Nazis about her work with the resistance, but because of her young age, they didn't believe her and sent her to a concentration camp. "I'm as strong as a man. Girls attract less attention in the frontier zone than men," This is what De Jongh said when the British vice consul asked how she did it all. She was later named a Belgian countess and awarded the George Medal.


She reported from all over the world, including Asia and Europe, doing what many thought to be a man's job. Her work, which includes photographs, news articles, and novels, was a major contribution to world history and she's celebrated yearly when one outstanding journalist receives an award in her honor.

She earned a bit of fame for her short-lived marriage to Ernest Hemingway in the '40s but she deserves her own accolades as well. Gellhorn, who famously said she didn't want to be "a footnote in someone else's life," was a legendary journalist who set a precedent as one of the first female war correspondents.

Martha Gellhorn


She snuck into Tibet to learn more about Buddhism and the secretive community's culture. She traveled to remote corners of the world, which was very out of the ordinary for women of her time. Her novels have long been a source of inspiration for budding travelers and her in-depth commentary on otherwise unknown cultures are still prevalent today.

Alexandra David-Néel


She was the first woman to serve on the US Cabinet. In Washington DC, she worked to end child labor, start the federal minimum wage, and implement social security. She changed the work force as America knew it and made leaps for women in politics.

Frances Perkins


  • She helped Steve Jobs make the Mac more user-friendly.
  • Her main goal was to make the system as close to a friend as it could be.
  • Kare had a major hand in perfecting it, even though she still goes largely unnoticed for her contributions.
  • She's helped to make a path for women in a largely male-dominated field.

Susan Kare


She's been awarded the Rafto Prize, Sakharov Prize, Nobel Peace Prize, Jawaharlal Nehru Award, Order of Australia, US Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom, all of which will hopefully bring her closer to being a household name and role model.

She has spent years fighting for democracy and fending off people who opposed her party with her non-violent ways.

She was on house arrest for a total of 15 years, she's made political moves that have transformed her home country of Burma into the place it is today.

Aung San Suu Kyi


She snuck into the race and competed alongside men and finished at 3 hours and 21 minutes beating half of her competition.

After being denied a bib by the 1966 Boston Athletic Association because woman were "not physiologically able" to run long distances, Gibb decided to make a stand.

Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb


The sisters also acted as couriers and stole official identity papers, according to the Dutch News. They were finally honored for their role in the resistance with the Mobilisatie-Oorlogskruis (war mobilization cross) in 2014.

The Oversteegen sisters, Freddie and Truus, joined the resistance when they were just 14 and 16 years old. One of the tasks given to Truus and Freddie was to seduce Nazi men and invite them for walks in nearby woods where the men would be shot by resistance fighters.

Freddie and Truus Oversteegen

Francis Crick and James Watson get most of the credit for their discovery of the double helix structure of DNA or "the secret of life" as they say. However, this important discovery wouldn't have happened without Franklin who used her skills in X-ray crystallography to capture a clear and concise picture of the DNA.Her picture was taken without permission by another scientist, Maurice Wilkins, and shown to Watson who wrote in his memoir that "The instant he saw the picture, his mouth fell open and his pulse began to race." In 1958 Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize without any mention of or thanks to Franklin.


Rosalind Franklin


She was thanked by General George Washington himself, but it wasn't until 1935 when a statue was made in her honor that she was publicly recognized.

She rode nearly 40 miles from 9 p.m. to dawn, rousing up the scattered militiamen as British soldiers started to loot in Danbury, Connecticut. The militia didn't make it in time to save Danbury, but they were able to eventually drive them back to their ships.

Sybil Ludington


That arrest changed my whole life. I was ostracized by people in my community and professional people alsotheir parents persuaded them not to be involved with me because I was a troublemaker and “this wasn’t the right thing to do.” They already thought I was crazy. Before then, in the 10th grade, I had stopped straightening my hair. I was wearing my hair naturally and they started saying I was crazy for doing that. They didn’t know I would go to the extreme and disobey the bus driver.became a little depressed. I lost all my friends and really needed someone. I got pregnant in July and I went back to school in September. I began showing around four months after I was pregnant. I was expelled from school around the Christmas holiday . My principal told me not to come back.

She served as a witness in Browder v. Gayle, a case that ended segregation in public transportation not just in Alabama, but eventually all across the United States after the Supreme Court affirmed the ruling.

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On March 2, 1955, nine months before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old Black teenager, did the same thing.

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Claudette Colvin


On her first day of school at William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana, she had to be escorted through an angry crowd of white parents and students by four federal marshals.

Her activism started when she was just six-years-old. In 1960, she was the first Black child to racially integrate an all-white elementary school in the South.

Ruby Bridges


Obama was the first black woman to serve as the First Lady of the United States and is an accomplished lawyer who attended both Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She's held high-profile roles at the University of Chicago Medical Center and launched a number of efforts advocating for childhood health. Michelle launched the Let Girls Learn initiative in March 2015 to increase the number of girls worldwide who are getting an education.

Michelle Obama


Anna May Wong

Despite dealing with racism that plagued her career, Wong is still considered Hollywood's first-ever Asian American movie star. Her talent earned her roles in over 50 domestic and foreign films, and she was also the first Asian American to star in a TV show, The DuMont Television Network's The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong. A year before her death in 1961 she was honored with a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.


In 1996, after being named a mission specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia by NASA, Kalpana Chawla became the first woman of Indian descent to fly in space. Her second—and last—trip to space came in 2003 when she and six other astronauts completed more than 80 experiments over the course of 16 days. She and the entire crew died when the ship disintegrated upon reentering the Earth's atmosphere. In 2020, Northrop Grumman named a spacecraft after Chawla in her memory.

Kalpana Chawla


The African American woman whose hand-calculations successfully launched John Glenn into orbit in 1962. In 2019 it was announced that The Independent Verification and Validation Facility (IV&V) in Fairmont, West Virginia, was renamed in honor of Johnson. Following her death at the age of 101, in 2021 Northrop Grumman named a spacecraft after her.

Katherine Johnson


She later published her first book "I Am Malala." Yousafzai and her family have since moved to the United Kingdom, where she is currently studying at Oxford.

However, her outspoken spirit earned her enemies in the Taliban and in October 2012, Yousafzai was shot on a school bus. She not only survived the attack, but also became the center of an international movement to support her that led Taliban officials to announce a possible second assassination attempt.

An 11-year-old girl wrote a blog post under a pen name for the BBC and starred in a New York Times documentary about life in the middle of military occupation.

Malala Yousafzai



https://www.oprahmag.com/life/g26513857/women-who-changed-the-world/https://www.insider.com/young-activists-climate-change-guns-greta-thunberg-2019-9#malala-yousafzai-22-womens-and-girls-education-2 https://www.insider.com/unknown-women-who-changed-the-world-2017-2#andre-de-jongh-saved-hundreds-of-allied-airmen-escaping-from-the-nazis-1https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Civilian_Bravery_Awards_during_the_Second_World_War_HU55451.jpghttps://static01.nyt.com/images/2007/10/18/world/18jongh.650.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscalehttps://static01.nyt.com/images/2007/10/18/world/18jongh.650.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscalehttps://cdn.britannica.com/91/61891-050-800F134C/Frances-Perkins.jpghttps://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/pXlA_nPVd27lTpNcHUrx-ZrykWA=/fit-in/1600x0/https://public-media.si-cdn.com/filer/1a/ff/1aff6159-3eb3-4a66-8eeb-e95bdc7f46b3/susankare.jpghttps://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/12/naziassassian1.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1 the guardian



Thank your for your attention. Happy International Women's Day!

Presentation created by Nikolina Mrkonjić (3E); teacher mentor: Ivana Opačak eTwinning project Sustainable Schools 4 Sustainable EUrope

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