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(Contributory factors and Prevention)

Health Issues - Eating Disorders

ISIS Archimede

IES Cervantes Madrid

Health problems due to Malnutrition



The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


The students from IES Cervantes have investigated about anorexia and here are their works:


Malnutrition is a group of conditions in children and adults generally related to poor quality or insufficient quantity of nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization. There are two major types of malnutrition:

  • Protein-energy malnutrition - resulting from deficiencies in any or all nutrients
  • Micronutrient deficiency diseases - resulting from a deficiency of specific micronutrients
There are three types of protein-energy malnutrition in children:
  • Acute malnutrition (Wasting or thinness)
  • Chronic malnutrition (Stunting or shortness)
  • Acute and chronic malnutrition (Underweight)
Wasting and stunting are very different forms of malnutrition. Stunting is chronic and its factors are poorly understood. Stunting usually does not have an immediate threat to life and is relatively common in many populations in less-developed countries. Wasting results from an acute shortage of food, is reversible with refeeding, and has a high mortality rate. For these reasons, wasting is the highest priority form of malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies. The various types of malnutrition are in turn divided into forms by defect or by excess.
  • Excess malnutrition is the consequence of an excess imbalance between energy intake and calories consumed. It can result from genetic or environmental causes.
  • Defect malnutrition is the prolonged consequence of nutrition defects, an intake or absorption of proteins, minerals, vitamins, calories.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: types of malnutrition

Health problems due to Malnutrition

Malnutrition is the pathological condition that occurs when the body does not receive the various nutrients in adequate proportions. On the basis of this definition, cases of malnutrition can be divided into two broad categories: those due to a reduction in energy intake and those linked to caloric over-intake. Before describing the pathological side of malnutrition, it is good to remember that undernourished people do not reside only in developing countries, but are also a common reality in the most industrialized nations, especially among the lower classes and in hospitalized patients. When fasting lasts beyond 24 hours, the body begins to use muscle proteins massively to obtain energy. This leads to a reduction in muscle mass, with consequent weakness and apathy. Furthermore, there is a significant reduction in plasma proteins, with the consequent appearance of generalized edema (presence of excess fluid in the interstitial spaces of the organism).

Health problems due to Malnutrition: what happens to the body

Malnourished and undernourished children are at a greater risk of contracting diseases and losing their lives accordingly, sometimes for easily preventable and curable diseases. Sickly malnourished children are likely to die 11 times higher than those with regular weight, are more susceptible to infection and are more difficult to heal because their immune system is weaker. In contrast to what is often thought, malnutrition is not just a condition of food-free, but a general shortage of food, nutrients and micronutrients, which can cause serious physical and mental problems, particularly in children under the age of 5 years, to death. A child weakened by chronic malnutrition can either become rachitic, or die for preventable causes and easily curable diseases, such as diarrhoea.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: children

Proper nutrition in adolescence is of fundamental importance to obtain a good level of physical and mental development and to improve the possibility of maintaining good health as an adult. The diet in adolescence must be customized based on sex, age, weight, physical activity and growth rate. The developmental age is a particularly delicate condition, in which there is an easy risk of making a mistake by defect or excess in the supply of nutrients. The general criteria for a healthy and adequate diet in adolescence are those of the Mediterranean diet: Limit the consumption of animal fats, salty and fried foods, red and cured meats, sugar, fatty ice creams, snacks, and sugary drinks and sweets especially if the young person is overweight. Increase the consumption of various types of fish, legumes, fresh seasonal fruit and vegetablesControl the consumption of cheese, milk and yogurtAbsolutely avoid wine, beer and alcohol.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: adolescence

Snacks are used to break hunger between meals. They can be both harmful to health and beneficial to health. You have to be very careful because many snacks that are considered healthy are actually harmful. An example is the fruit bars that are actually real sugar bombs, being high in sugar and low in fiber. Also the industrial fruit juices, even those without added sugars, are a fruit concentrate that has lost its nutritional values and does not contain fiber. There are other types of snacks that are really healthy. For example yoghurt which, consumed as a snack removes the sense of hunger and strengthens the intestinal flora. Because of the lactic ferments of which it is rich, the yoghurt has a protective action for the intestine. Another example is a fresh fruit salad consisting of 1 apple, 1 pear and 2 kiwis accompanied with a glass of orange juice. Consuming those, you can get plenty of minerals and vitamins; moreover this mix is rich in fibers that allow you to reach faster a sense of satiety.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: are snacks healthy?

Malnutrition is a serious health problem for the elderly. Good nutrition is critical to overall health and well-being, but many older adults are at risk of inadequate nutrition. Problems caused by malnutrition in the elderly can lead to various health problems, including:

  • A weak immune system, which increases the risk of infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Muscle weakness and decreased bone mass, which can lead to falls and fractures and an increased risk of hospitalization, followed by an increased risk of death.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: elderly

Factors contributing to malnutrition in elderly may seem simple: insufficient food or a diet lacking in nutrients. In fact, malnutrition is often caused by a combination of physical, social and psychological problems.

  • Taste, smell, and appetite generally diminish with age, making it more difficult to eat and maintain regular eating habits.
  • Disease can contribute to decrease appetite and changes in the way the body processes nutrients.
  • Difficult chewing or swallowing, poor dental health, or limited ability to handle dishes can all contribute to malnutrition.
  • Behavioral or memory problems due to Alzheimer's disease or related dementia can lead to forgetting to eat, not buying groceries, or other irregular eating habits.
  • Some medications can affect appetite or the ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Dietary restrictions for managing medical conditions, such as limits on salt, fat, or sugar, could also contribute to inadequate nutrition.
  • Often older people can have trouble shopping, especially if they take expensive medications.
  • Seniors who eat alone may not enjoy their meals as before and lose interest in cooking and eating.
  • Adults with limited mobility may not have access to food or the right types of food.
  • Pain, loneliness, poor health, lack of mobility, and other factors could all contribute to depression, leading to loss of appetite and dangerous behavior like alcoholism. Too much alcohol can interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption. Alcohol abuse can lead to poor eating habits and poor dietary decisions.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: elderly

Malnutrition is an imbalance between the amount of food and nutrients needed by the body and the amount actually consumed. This imbalance is most frequently associated with poor nutrition, but it can also be due to excessive nutritional intake. A balanced, healthy diet is a valid help to counteract and avoid the onset of malnutrition; it would be enough to eat more fruits and vegetables, lead a healthy life and give greater importance to sport. To prevent malnutrition would also help stop eating junk food such as snacks and sweets or decrease their doses.

Health problems due to Malnutrition: How to prevent malnutrition


(Contributory factors and Prevention)

Health Issues - Eating Disorders