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Spotting fake news

Fake news are false or incorrect news which have the aim of fooling people to get an economic or political profit. They affect any people who surfs the internet and can change the mind of their victims no matter their age, ideology or condition. They're usually posted on social networks and here, 6 of 10 news that are published are fake; therefore, we have put here some advices against them.


Identifying with the rule of the 3 checks:

Checking the content:- Content must be specific

Stop thefake news:

Checking the media:- It has to be published on reliable media.- The URL can't be suspicious.- We should know who the author is and it's better if it's well known. - The trustworthiness is also important.

Checking the sources and pictures:- The author must use reliable sources and specialists.

If you aren't sure of the truthfulness of the news after doing the 3 checks, you shouldn't share it with anyone. If the event is real, don't get worried about stopping the new because a reliable media will cover it.

Now it's your turn of sharing these recomendations to your relatives and friends and also for using the information we have given you. Good luck and don't trust fake news.