Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Even if we Italian students do not grasp the true meaning of its lyrics, the language and style of the video make us understand the singer's unease. this is because music has no languages.

The Belgian guys recommended US a beautiful song "Tourist LeMC-Koning Liefed" a song that probably describes a broken and sad love. The singer's feelings make one perceive anguish, melancholy, pain, lack and loneliness, both for the rhythm and for the colors of the video that expresses sadness.

You are not part of wellness anymore, of my happiness of my dreams. You rule in my nostalgia consumed by my memories I have about you. Incomplete like a lawn of stone. everything suddenly looses cuolor that cuolor which permits let's you distinguish and classify sensations. It becomes dark, homogeneous and unstable. It becomes incomplete like a rainbow without rain, without sunshine. Of that sweet colored memories remains just the shadow of that happy rain remains just dry land of that happy sun remains just a freezing cold that recalls my memories back.

My soul is in a storm it doesn’t find peace It’s a rough sea. Waves of pain, bitterness, sadness are devastating it. Nothing can calm it to have lost the other half of itself. The other half of the world the most absolute stability and completeness between the sea and the beach, the sand and the shells, the earth and the roots, the lawns and the flowers, loneliness in company.


Thanks !


Viviana QuiescentiGaia Iervolino

Elia Cattano


Giulia Vilardo Maria Sofia Nanfa

