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English applied to financeas and International trade 3


Is an organization of 190 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. Created in 1945, the IMF is governed by and accountable to the 190 countries that make up its near-global membership.


Ensure the stability of the international monetary system—the system of exchange rates and international payments that enables countries (and their citizens) to transact with each other.



190 members countries

-Mission - Governators -Quotas -Management -Staff -Resources -Gold -Borrowing arragements




-Macroeconomic Frameworks and Tools -Legal Frameworks

-Public Finances -Monetary and Financial Policies

IMF Development





US spending on Vietnam War and domestic social programs leads to inflation and overvaluation of dollar.

Under pressure from independence movements, France, United Kingdom, and other European powers give up their colonies.

Communist nations, dominated by the Soviet Union and China, withdraw from the global economic system.

Decolonization of Africa

Cold War

As World War II draws to a close, Allied leaders draft plans for a postwar economic order.

Out of the Ashes

IMF Timeline

Vietnam War and Oil Shocks





US spending on Vietnam War and domestic social programs leads to inflation and overvaluation of dollar.

Under pressure from independence movements, France, United Kingdom, and other European powers give up their colonies.

Communist nations, dominated by the Soviet Union and China, withdraw from the global economic system.

Decolonization of Africa

Cold War

As World War II draws to a close, Allied leaders draft plans for a postwar economic order.

Out of the Ashes

IMF Timeline

Vietnam War and Oil Shocks





As advanced economies struggle to recover, turmoil sweeps Middle East.

Debt Forgiveness, Global Financial Crisis

Formerly communist nations join the global economy, and capital starts to flow more freely across borders.

Global Financial Crisis

Collapse of Communism, Debt Relief

Banks use “petrodollars”—profits of oil-producing countries—to increase lending to developing nations.

International Debt Crisis

IMF Timeline

A Halting Recovery

Adapting surveillance to evolving global challenges

A core responsibility of the IMF is to oversee the international monetary system and monitor the economic and financial policies of its 190 member countries, an activity known as surveillance. As part of this process, which takes place at the global, regional, and country levels, the IMF identifies potential risks to stability and recommends appropriate policy adjustments needed to sustain economic growth and promote financial and economic stability.

IMF Surveillance

The IMF assists countries hit by crises by providing them financial support to create breathing room as they implement adjustment policies to restore economic stability and growth. It also provides precautionary financing to help prevent and insure against crises. The IMF’s lending toolkit is continuously refined to meet countries’ changing needs.

IMF Lending

The Fund’s actions are focused on the following tracks: 1. Emergency financing 2. Grants for debt relief 3. Calls for bilateral debt relief 4. Enhancing liquidity 5. Adjusting existing lending arrangements


The global economy is beginning to climb back from the depths of the crisis but this calamity is far from over. Kristalina Georgieva


The IMF's Response to COVID-19

  1. Protecting lives
  2. Protect livelihoods
  3. Prepare for recovery
  1. Interest rates
  2. Provided additional liquidity
  3. Bolster US dollar liquidity
  4. Revived programmes
  5. Launched a policy observatory
  • Fiscal policy
  • Monetary policy

Economic policy measures to tackle the crisis

The IMF & The COVID-19

  • How quickly can the IMF provide emergency financing?
  • What do countries need to be eligible for emergency assitence?
  • What is the IMF's total lending capacity and is it sufficient?

The IMF & The COVID-19

“ The IMF is set up to deal with liquidity crises. Steve Hanke.”