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mathematical functions


a function (f) is the relationship between a given set X (called domain ) and another set of elements Y (called codomain ) so that each element x of the domain corresponds to a single element f(x) of the codomain (those that form the path, also called range or scope ).

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I don’t understand but I’ll keep trying

Concept 02

A dependent variable function is one whose values depend on those that take another variable. The dependent variable in a function is usually represented by and. The dependent variable is represented on the ordered axis. The variable y is a function of the variable x, which is the independent variable.

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I don´t understand, but i´ll keep trying

Concept 03

An independent variable function is one whose value does not depend on that of another variable. The independent variable in a function is usually represented by x. The independent variable is represented on the abscissa axis.

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I don´t understand but i´ll keep trying

Concept 04

The domain of a function f ( x ) is the set of all values for which the function is defined, that is, the set of values that the independent variable (x) can take.

I don´t understand but i´ll keep trying

I understand

Concept 05

The path also called image, chondroid or range is the set formed by the images. They are the values that the function "y" dependent variable takes, so it is called f(x), its value depends on the value we give to "x"

I don´t understand but i´ll keep trying to learn math

I understand

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