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"Bee Happy"

Międzynarodowy projekt eTwinning

International eTwinning project

Project effects

Bee Happy...

is a STEAM project where the students got to know bees and their life. Through various STEAM activities, they learned about the life of bees, students became scientists, and collected information about bee populations in cities and villages. They got involved in STEAM classes - they built beehives, bees from Lego blocks, played theater, painted and sang, became cooks and cooked dishes with honey, wrote their own cookbook. They coded. They became volunteers and created a social campaign to protect the bees.

Partnerzy projektu / Project partners

Skąd jesteśmy?/ Where are we from?

Wspólna praca partnerów - LOGO PROJEKTUJoint work of partners - PROJECT LOGO

Mapa myśli - Czego chcemy dowiedzieć się o pszczołach?Mind Map - What do we want to learn about bees?

Wspólna praca partnerów Album prac plastycznych o pszczołachJoint work of partners

Śpiewamy piosenki o pszczołach

Animacja Scratch / Scratch animation Na ratunek pszczołom miodnym

Przepisy z miodem / Honey recipes e-book

Nasz kalendarz / Our calendar

Bajka o odważnej pszczole

Kodowanie w parach / Coding in pairs

Nasze materiały / Collection of materials - Teachers collaboration

Kolekcja gier/ Collection of games - Teachers collaboration

Tak świętowaliśmy Światowy Dzień Pszczół / This is how we celebrated World Bee Day