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Are you prepared to discover the secrets of statistics and probability?

Statics and probabílity

Let’s do an experiment

E = mc2

Ferdinando de' Medici, Prince of Tuscany

Galileo Galilei

In the 17th century the Prince of Tuscany posed the following problem to Galileo: Why is it that when three dice are thrown, we get the sum 10 more often than the sum 9, although there are the same ways of getting 9 than 10?

Take three dice like the Parcheesi, throw them down, add them up and write down the results


Let’s start experimenting

Perform this experiment 100 times. Count the times you have obtained 9 and the times you have obtained 10 and check, if it is true that the sum 10 comes out more than the sum 9. Compare your result with the rest of your colleagues, putting together all the results of the class.

what conclusions do you draw?

Given the results...

You’re the protagonist of your learning, keep it up

Always remember this