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Sequences and Codes
11+ Knowledge Organiser
Tuition with Taylor
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Sequences and Codes

11+ Knowledge OrganiserTuition with Taylor

4. Letter-word codes

3. Number-word codes

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2. Letter sequences

1. Number sequences

What do I need to know?


You will need to work out the rule or pattern to a number sequence and then find the next number in the sequence.Example4, 5, 7, 8, 10The rule here is to +1, +2, +1, +2...So, the next number in the sequence will be 11.

Number sequences


You will need to work out the next letter in the sequence by finding the rule of the sequence. It may help to write out the alphabet to help you find the rule. This is the same as number sequences, but using letters. If your number sequence goes past Z, go back to A and start the alphabet again.Example:NE, PC, RA, TYTreat the first and second letters separately.First letter rule: add twoSecond letter rule: subtract twoNext in sequence: VW

Letter sequences


You will be given some words and numbers. Each number means a letter. You will have to use the rule to find change a group of numbers into a word.Example:TIME is 2413, MINE is 1463, MEAN is 1356, what is the code for NEAT?Work out that number for each letter and then put them together.N = 6, E = 3, A = 5, T = 2.The code for NEAT is 6352.

Number-word codes


Letters in a word are replaced with other letters to make a code. You have to work out that pattern to make this code and then use the pattern to make a code for a new word.Example:The code for FLOW is EJNU. What is the code for TEAR?To get from FLOW to EJNU, the letters move in the pattern -1, -2, -1, -2.Use this pattern with TEAR to make the code SCZP.

Letter-word codes

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