Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Get it here

Author of "Escape Rooms in Education"

Microsoft Trainer


German Teacher at Millfield School

All about me

slide url

A tool made by scape.enepe.fr. Paste the box onto your slide, go to preview mode and copy the link!

slide embed code

Page reference

  • https://en.lockee.fr/
  • in English, French, Spanish
  • you need a free account
  • Reward: text, image, sound, external video, webpage
  • Example: click here


You need to use the S'cape template from this presentation!

You can have unlimited questions and Objects that appear/disappear with correct/incorrect answers.

Create password checks, gap fill or Quizzes. You can show the number of attempts and highlight correct/incorrect answers.


Example 1

Wrong username or password






Code looks like this:

var solution = ["London", "9", "yellow"]; //enter the correct answers var ordre = 1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if the order of the answers is important var espace = 0 ; //0 or 1 - type 0 if you want spaces at beginning or end to be irrelevant var casse = 0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if case is relevant (upper/lower case) var correct=1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to view the errors (in red / green) var tentative=1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to display the number of attempts var maxtentative=0; // 0 for unlimited - type in the maximum number of attempts allowed ("tentative" must be at 1) var unefois=0; //0 or 1 - type 1 to prevent restarting during a session (the quiz will be blocked) ("tentative" must be at 1)

Not all correct. Try again.

Correct!The passcode is 12874

What is the capital of the UK?4+5=What colour are lemons?

Example 2


var solution = ["dog", "cat"]; //enter the correct answers var ordre = 0 // 0 or 1 - type 1 if the order of the answers is important var espace = 0 ; //0 or 1 - type 0 if you want spaces at beginning or end to be irrelevant var casse = 0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if case is relevant (upper/lower case) var correct=0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to view the errors (in red / green) var tentative=0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to display the number of attempts var maxtentative=0; // 0 for unlimited - type in the maximum number of attempts allowed ("tentative" must be at 1) var unefois=0; //0 or 1 - type 1 to prevent restarting during a session (the quiz will be blocked) ("tentative" must be at 1)

Code looks like this:

Example 3


On the picture are a and a

Optional: This counts the attemps made. Change colour and size of "compteur" to change the appearance.

Optional: Group with a picture/text that disappears if the answer is correct.

Group with a picture/text that appears if the answer is correct (green) or incorrect (red)

Click to check answers. This button hides the code (see next slide)

Answers will be entered here. You can copy and paste to create more. If you put a text box next to the answer box, make sure it is in a layer underneath the answer box so it doesn't cover it up.

Put outside first page of

Keep somewhere on page

Cuise Template





Find a Street view

Click ... next to name

Share or Embed - Embed Map

In Genial.ly, click Insert

Paste the Embed code to "other"


Try again

How many lions are there? (write as a number)

Click the arrows to walk around the statue of King Felippe IV in Madrid.

Did you note down the 10 answers?

Add a timer for speed questions. Add a "time out" to a page after a wrong answer to deter from random guessing!


Too slow!

Question 1 of 3




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit?

How many books have this symbol ?



use "go back", not "previous page"!

Wait for Seconds

*Try again!










If you have difficulty changing the colour of the text, recreate a text area and group it with the box.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder should restart: time in sec.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder starts: time to be indicated in seconds.

Orange box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

Box grouped with an object that disappears when the time is up.

box grouped with an object that appears when the time is up. Works with minutes and seconds.

Green box and any value to be placed on the slide where the timer is to be restarted: time in min.

Green box and value to be placed on the slide where the timer starts: The text shows the time in minutes.

Green box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

... and the same thing but in seconds

Display a minutes countdown on several slides

optional: Red box to be placed i the slide where the timer is restarted.

Red box to be placed on the slide where the stopwatch starts.

Red box and text area to be placed on all slides where the tmer will be visible.

To display the real time, place one of the 2 black thumbnails, grouped with the text area (font can be changed).

Real Time display

Display a timer on several slides

*Try again!


Back button (with link):Bounce back after 4.9 sec

Wheel:Continuous Rotate right

Numbers:5 fade out after 1 sec, speed: 0.54 fade in after 1, fade out after 23 fade in after 2, fade out after 3 etc.Or use Chronos template!

Timer set up

Back button (with link):Bounce back after 4.9 sec

Use GIFs!

by adding animation and movement!

Make questions more challenging

Spice up your Questions


What is the capital of Germany?

What is the capital of Germany?





D) Hamburg

C) Paris

B) Bonn

A) Berlin

missed it?


If easy is 9, what is annoying?

If great is 83, what is interesting?

If good is 59, what is useless?

Johann baut eine Maschine

<-nützlich <-nicht einfach <-furchbar <-einfach <-toll <-nutzlos <-nervig <-gut <-klein <-irre <-cool <-schlecht <-interessant <-groß <-langweilig <-schwierig

If good is 59, what is useless?

Johann built a machine, but hecan't get it powered up. Follow the instructions and move the battery up and down.


Make sure in settings "drag elements" is turned on.Move the battery up and down to get the answers.Replace questions (Q) with one part of the word pair and answers (A) with the otherE.g.Q: end of WW2 A: 1945Q Autor of Harry Potter A: JK Rowling



<-A11<-A14<-A13<-A5 <-A3<-A2 <-A6<-A 1<-A10<-A14<-A13<-A7<-A4<-A8<-A12<-A9

If good is 59, what is useless?

If Q9 is 78, what is Q10 ?

If Q7 is 48, what is Q8?

If Q5 is 9, what is Q6?

If Q3 is 83, what is Q4?

If Q1 is 59, what is Q2 ?




Soups and Meal Mixes

Football Team


Perfume and Fashion

Small Appliances




Mirror Mirror, what can I spy?What product can we all buy?

Thank you

Joe Dale

Julia Morris

Rita Auta

Marie Allirot


  • S'cape Tools
  • Fairytale template
  • The Hunt for Bigfoot


  • Harry Potter Template
  • Discover Germany


Some of the S'cape templates on the next slides can only be view in edit mode

Optional: This counts the attemps made. Change colour and size of "compteur" to change the appearance.

Optional: Group with a picture/text that disappears if the answer is correct.

Group with a picture/text that appears if the answer is correct (green) or incorrect (red)

Click to check answers. This button hides the code (see next slide)

Answers will be entered here. You can copy and paste to create more. If you put a text box next to the answer box, make sure it is in a layer underneath the answer box so it doesn't cover it up.

Put outside first page of

Keep somewhere on page

Cuise Template




This button hides the code. Click the "link" icon, then the "code" icon in the window that comes up. Enter your answers and change the variables as prompted. Don't change any of the rest of the code.

Verticale line between alternative answers.

Commas between answers

Every answer needs to be in quotation marks

var solution = ["réponse1|reponse1", "réponse2", "réponse3"];

How to enter your answers:









If you have difficulty changing the colour of the text, recreate a text area and group it with the box.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder should restart: time in sec.

Orange box and value to be placed on the slide where the seconder starts: time to be indicated in seconds.

Orange box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

Box grouped with an object that disappears when the time is up.

box grouped with an object that appears when the time is up. Works with minutes and seconds.

Green box and any value to be placed on the slide where the timer is to be restarted: time in min.

Green box and value to be placed on the slide where the timer starts: The text shows the time in minutes.

Green box and text area to be placed on all slides where the timer will be visible.

... and the same thing but in seconds

Display a minutes countdown on several slides

optional: Red box to be placed i the slide where the timer is restarted.

Red box to be placed on the slide where the stopwatch starts.

Red box and text area to be placed on all slides where the tmer will be visible.

To display the real time, place one of the 2 black thumbnails, grouped with the text area (font can be changed).

Real Time display

Display a timer on several slides