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Group - 1

English activity


Idea - 1

Thank you


Idea - 2


Idea - 3



We would like to extend our sincere gratitude towards Shweta Ma'am who has helped us in our PBL and always been very cooperative without her cooperation and encouragement we couldn't have it what it evolved to be. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Principal Ma'am (Dr. Mala Kapoor ma'am). We are also thankful for the cooperation and encouragement from our parents.

Our experience about working on this activity was very pleasant moment we worked with a positive enthusiasm and enjoyed a lot doing this project.


Increase of energy productions save natural resources

3 D model for the idea


Global demand for energy is increasing rapidly, because of population and economic growth, especially in emerging market economies. There are several ways to do that: Hydroelectricity, Windmill and etc. Windmills help in producing electricity through wind. Hydroelectricity is the term referring to the production of electrical power through the use of water. In a hydroelectric power plant, the potential energy of water at higher level is converted to energy of the water by letting it flow at a faster speed.


Using Electric Cars

3 D model for the idea

ContentOur idea is to increase the usage of electric vehicles and plant suitable amount of electric vehicle chargers throughout the city. This will help in reducing pollution caused by vehicles as well as help in the conservation of precious resources used in making petrol and diesel, with the help of advancing technology vehicles can be run through electricity, as shown in this model, electricity is provided to vehicles at electricity stations, you just need to plug a wire in your car and it will charge itself it is just as easy as charging your mobile phone.


Garbage Utilisation for Making Roads



AANYA CHAWLA: PPT and changed management templateAKSHIT GUPTA : Creative IdeasARCHIT VERMA : BTS handlerDISHI SINGHAL : Poster making (Idea 3) GUNMANI KAUR : PPTLAKSHYA RAJPUT : Model and poster making (Idea 2), changed management templateNIHARIKA SHARMA : PPT and changed management templateRISHABH YADAV : PPTSARU VERMA : Model and poster making (Idea 1)VIJIT SINGH : Data Analyst