Dose 2
Source: Health Ministry

Click here for information on manual registration
19) Vaccination process complete.
10) Side effects monitored
Dose 1
9) Receive vaccination card
8) Observation for 30 minutes
3) Go to vaccination centre
2) Receive appointment date

1) Registration
through MySejahtera or website.
17) Receive Covid-19 vaccine immunisation digital certificate
18) Adverse event following immunization (AEFI) monitored.
16) Observation for 30 minutes.
15) Injection of 2nd dose.
14) Register QR code and ID check
11) Get date for appointment
12) Go to vaccination centre
13) Screening
7) Injection of 1st dose.
6) Consultation & consent form
5) Register QR code and iD check
4) Temperature check and symptoms assessment