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Focus:Answering detail questions about complete Part C talks. Directions:You will hear a number of Part C Mini-Talks. After each talk, there will be a number of questions based on that part of the talk. Mark the best answer choice-(A), (B), or (C)-for each question


The proposal to increase student services will not be adopted.

A spokesperson for the administration.

A member of the Board of Regents.

An executive on the Student Council.

Its tuition rates are still lower than those at Hambleton University.

It has the highest tuition rates in the state.

Its tuition rates are going up faster than the ones at Hambleton University.

Student insurance rates.

Room-and-board charges at the dormitory.

Student fees.

Five years.

Three years.

Two years.

The tuition will not be raised.

A new dormitory will not be built.

3 4

1 2


To apply what they learn to human medicine.

To learn to speed up the process among lower animals.

To treat diseases among animals.

Nerve cells.

Specialized cells.

Embryonic cells.

A baby gets its first set of teeth.

An insect grows a new limb.

A snake sheds its skin and grows a new one.

A mammal.

A salamander.

A starfish.

8 9

6 7




N-I-F instead of K-N-I-F-E.

L-A-B-O-U-R instead of L-A-B-O-R.

T-H-E-A-T-R-E instead of T-H-E-A-T-E-R.

10 11

His dictionary.

His political philosophy.

His military service.

After American independence.

During the Revolutionary War.

Before the Revolutionary War.


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