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Let's meet

The Beatles in a nutshell

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Which song did you like best?

The Beatles Top 10 Songs

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Paul McCartney wrote this song and was the only Beatle to play on it. It is one of the most covered pop songs of all time, with 3.000 versions recorded according to The Guinness Book of records. (www.songfacts.com)


Paul McCartney wrote this fun song for children. He used short words for lyrics so that kids could easily sing along. The song inspired an animated cartoon movie with the same title based on the music of the Beatles. (www.songfacts.com)

Yellow Submarine

John Lennon wrote and recorded this song in 1971. It was one of his best selling singles in his solo career. Lennon wanted us to imagine the earth as a place where we could live together in peace regardless of our religious and political beliefs. (www.songfacts.com)


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Take a look at one of the most famous photos of their career!

Abbey Road was the cover of the final album that the Beatles recorded in 1969. This is one of the most famous photos of the band (August, 1969)