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The marketing mixthe 4 c's

4C analysis is a marketing model that seeks to evaluate the customer in a larger context.

It represents a change in mentality when developing marketing strategies in companies. Understanding and analyzing the consumer in this way allows creating personalized content and unique experiences.

The 4 c model

  • It replaces the traditional 4P mix
  • More oriented towards people, their habits and understanding their behaviors.
  • The basis of the analysis is the study of the wishes and needs of the users and, based on this, other variables are considered.

The 4 c model





  • The main needs in their daily life are studied and understood.
  • Creating or selling a desirable and unique product.
  • The purpose is to offer something profitable in the eyes of the users and in the plans of the company.


  • It is oriented towards interaction with consumers.
  • Use of social networks is highly effective. It provides the opportunity to measure a series of factors during the interaction (metrics).


  • It is the analysis of the price that represents for the consumer the fact of satisfying their needs.
  • The consumer decides what to buy and at what price regardless of whether the store is even in another country.
  • Cost - benefit ratio.


  • It refers to the place within the marketing strategy.
  • It evaluates the effort that the consumer makes to buy something.
  • Go to a store, check the product's website, observe different sales options on social networks, etc.
  • The customers have become much more digital.
