Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Topic : Toys

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This week the children will start the topic -Toys! Vocabulary: ball, car, crayon, drum Help your child to click on the different "ICONS" to view the different activities. Please encourage your child to speak and sing as much as possible. Remember, some of the links will take you to the Archie's World Website. We recommend your child not to watch the “Stories” on the website until they have been introduced by the Teacher first. Also, please avoid viewing Archie’s World A (P4) and Archie's World B (P5) Thank you for your help. Have fun!

Esta semana, los niños comenzarán el tema - Los jugetes! Vocabulario: ball (pelota), car (cotche), crayon (cera), drum (tambor) Por favor, ayuda a tu hijo a hacer clic en los "ICONOS" para ver las diferentes actividades. Anima a tu hijo a hablar y cantar en ingles tanto como sea posible. Recuerda que algunos de los enlaces lo llevaran al sitio web de Archie's World. Recomendamos que tu hijo no vea los cuentos que encuentras en el sitio web hasta que el profesor los haya presentado; del mismo modo evita que vea Archie’s World A (P4), Archie’s World B (P5) Gracias por tu ayuda y espero que tu hijo se divierta.

Hello Feelings The sun comes up! Story: Toys! Listen and repeat Song: What's that toy? Activity

Class 1

Blue Bird






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Please encourage your child to speak and sing as much as possible. Have fun!

Anima a tu hijo a hablar y cantar en ingles tanto como sea posible. Diviértanse.

Let's look for toys in your toy box! Find a ball, a car, a crayon and a drum, if you have one. Now , repeat the "Listen and repeat" activity with your own toys. Have fun!