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Hunger as a global issue

Hunger, as defined by the United Nations, is a common experience for more than 690 million people around the world. Approximately, every 10th person in the world is unable to acquire sufficient food for a healthy lifestyle. It is one of the biggest and most ancient global problems.

Though the problem of hunger is complicated it can be simplified by explaining two terms. Firstly, chronic hunger, the regular occurrence of a painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption. Lastly, food insecurity, the lack of regular access to sufficient food needed for normal development and a healthy life. Most of the time, the latter causes the former, because of this many of today´s efforts focus on helping households become food secure rather than providing them food directly.

There are thousands of organizations, local, regional and global in scale, working to defeat hunger. The global efforts are led by the UN and its specialized organizations. These efforts include everything from creating standards and guidelines to international funds and development programmes.

In 2015, the UN General Assembly introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals meant to be fulfilled by 2030, the second of which sets to end hunger.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (http://www.fao.org/home/en/) leads annual reports on hunger.These reports list causes for hunger and its increase to be the climate, conflicts, recessions, major weather deviations and recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

New statistics from the 2020 report on the state of food security and nutrition by the FAO (http://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html) show that on the global scale, though most regions see progress, the rates for child stunting and wasting are not on track to achieve desired figures by 2030. It is estimated that Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean will achieve the goals in 2031, while the situation in Africa suggests that its progress will have to triple to achieve these goals.

The same report also states that the COVID-19 pandemic will increase the rate of all forms of malnutrition in vulnerable households. This is expected to happen through disruptions of food supply chains, higher food prices, overwhelming of health systems, diminished healthcare resources and deterioration of childcare practices. The main course of action for moderation of this impact is to provide accurate information about the virus and its transmission.

Many celebrities help to raise the awareness of this global problem and give a hand

Created by Daniela,Beatriz,Eduardo,Francisco,Lenka,Nina,Ernest,Sema,Rumeysa,Melike,Suleyman and Ivana

Thank you in advance for considering helping