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STEM module


Climate Change is affecting all aspects of human lives. As all the scientific evidence media reveal the human civilization is leaded to a great meteorological catastrophe. We all, irrespective of our seat or role have to be prepared so as to avoid further escalation of environmental destruction that cause atmospheric imbalances. Unfortunately younger generation have to play an important role for correcting all these that our generation did and resulted to this change. Besides our apologies, we have to provide you with the knowledge so as you could act in a more responsible way than we did.

Essential question: How could you help your local community understand that tackling climate change is our most critical action?



Open a meaningful conversation about climate change, its causes and impacts so students understand and get prepared to act. We'll focus on how it's affecting and been affected by agriculture and link it with food security as our main topic is related to food.

Learning Objectives:


  • Organize a debate encouraging conversations between individuals and groups across climate change dimensions

  • Recognize the systemic nature of the challenge, and the range of possible solutions.

  • Identify the dimensions of climate change.

  • Be aware of the need to adopt a new way to think, talk, and act with conviction, moving away from whether it's happening to what we're doing about it

  • Illustrate concept maps by using ICT applications.

  • Adopt a positive attitude towards STEM as learning approach.

  • Analyze data.

  • Measure the influences of each change considering the consept of planetary boundaries.

  • List the characteristics of the climate and the physical quantities that characterize the climate

  • Recall former knowledge in the topic.

  • Report the changes of the past years related to this topic

  • Compare data for different zones and areas.

  • Describe the difference between weather and climate by clarifying what these mean.

  • Correlate climate change with agriculture and food security

  • Develop risk management, and climate change adaptation plans


Brainstorming: What is "weather"? What is "climate"? trying to recall knowledge, underline keywords, and composs answers.



1st Week - 2hours



Research: What, how and why has changed?

Can you consider these under the concept of planetary boundaries?



Students pass through a sort video which explains climate system and climatic factors; interactions that create the climate system and their role; so as to develop that climate is different from the weather, and identify how and why climate is changing. They map their findings.

Students analyze data from the last 50years, and interviews -that they have taken prior to this lesson- to their grandparents so as to develop and report the changes on climatic factors. They also hypothesize on their affects on humans, and environment.

Students pass through a sort video which explains all these interactions under the concept of planetary boundaries and complete their concept map.

Which do you think that were our generation's activities that contributed to climate change?

Students express their opinions on forum so as to consider these as basis for our next lesson.


Students to be able to: - describe characteristics of the climate of the area in which they live - list the physical quantities that characterize the climate - describe differences between different climatic zones - report possible changes in climate and their effects on humans and the environment - start considering the relationship of these changes, and climate change considering the concept of planetary boundaries

At this stage our goal is to arouse the interest and curiosity of the students for the topic that we will have to investigate, while at the same time we detect their prior knowledge regarding basic concepts Apps to be used: mentimeter, lino.it This will be followed by a discussion based to the answers given so to cover possible cognitive gaps and finally a meaningful presentation on the definition of food system.


Through escape room games they called to develop all the causes:-Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect-Natural cycles contributing to climate change-Human activities contributing to climate change



1/2 hour in the beggining so as to introduce the topic and give instructions.1hour/each escape room game: In each escape room game will be included useful information, resources and videos so as students explore these in order to complete each task and enter to the new room.Their tasks will be in the form of quizzes, sequence mazes where they have to choose the correct route and go to the padlock. puzzles, memory games, crosswords, measuring their footprint, etc 1/2 hour so as to summarize and make discussion.

Students are encouraged to make a list of natural and human causes and factors that contribute to climate change.

2nd and 3rd Week - 4hours

They design collaborative stories or comics based to their findings which will be presented to their peers so as to give feedback. They give answers to the essential question on forum.

Are humans responsible for climate change?

Students are coming back to complete their lists after each hour.



Students to be able to: - describe greenhouse effect- list the greenhouse gases and their characteristics- describe natural cycles- report human activities and how these contributed to climate change- start considering that their way of live contributes to climate change


What are the impacts of climate change?



Students are divided in six transnational teams. Each team has to examine the impacts of climate change to one of the natural environment's components (air, water, soil, land, forests and wildlife, flora and fauna). During their research they also identify the links between these impacts and humans' impacts.Each team presents their finding to the others and prepares some questions so as to be created a colaborative evaluation quiz.

Students list the types and components of our environmentStudents describe the impacts to our environmentStudents be aware of the impacts of climate change to humansStudents identify the need to act against climate change

There's a brainstorming on the types of environment and its components.

4th Week - 2hours



Students will be devided again to transnational teams. Team A will focus to adaptation measures that could help to reduce negative impacts of climate change on the food system. Team B will focus to mitigation measures that could reduce GHG emissions coming from the food system and ecosystems.



Food security is an outcome of the food system leading to human well-being, which is also indirectly linked with climate and ecosystems through the socio-economic system.

5th Week - 2hours

Each team works in a collaborative google document and make presentations for how their measures could be adapted in regional and global.



Students to be able to: - identify the difference between adaption and mitigation measures- list adaption measures for redusing the impact of climate change- list mitigation measures that could reduce greenhouse emissions from the food system- describe good practices adapted to their countries- start considering that there's need for more measures and actions to tacckle against climate change

Each national team provide information of good practices adapted to their countries.



Students based to the info presented for each countrymake a research and collect data for their partner countries(each partner searches data for a subtopic) here: https://data.footprintnetwork.org/#/. Students of the partner countries comment on their findings.



6th Week - 2hours



Research: What, how and why has changed?



Students watch a sort video on how the environment could guide our development and then discussions are made in each country

Students brainstorm on what sustainability means. Then they attend a short video and report a more detailed definition.

Students analyze the challenges and opportunities

Students take part on this activity https://mission1point5.org


Students to be able to: - define the meaning of sustainability- analyse data- report changes in footprint data- compare data in partner countries- analyse challenges and opportunities and their country -describe what's overshoot day means- suggest solutions for sustainability so as to move the overshootday

Students acount their footprint.Brainstorm on what is overshoot day Students suggest solutions here ttps://movethedate.overshootday.org