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Application of GIS in Public Health

Application of GIS in Public Health

Application of GIS in Public Health

1st map created by john snow in 1959, Cholera breakout in london

Introduction of Health GIS,


Add raster map to ArcMap

Addition of raster map to ArcMap with coordinates (Latitude and Longitude

Choose 4 point where Latitude and longitude intersect


  1. Able to create map of study area or any region where they want apply their study
  2. To learn about basics of GIS and its importance in public heal
  3. able to apply their project on a specific disease in nearest areas.(TB)
  4. One who successfully completed the course will be able to create GIS database of the health care system
  5. Development of GIS model to prevent/cure/ health care accessibilities

Data avaiability in your area and its temporal spread

Quik service of ambulance and health care workers



Awareness among population

Choose a single disease and give its relevance to GIS

need to completed on time and subsequently submitted

Important activities


" Health is define as complete physical ,mental ,and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease"

Development of Map Corona caese in Lahore

Current map shows the spread of corona in Lahore, Pakistan


Question 1/5


Incorrect answer

Incorrect answer

Who is the founder of Health GIS?

Project Part-2


Final Submission and Evaluation

Project Part-1

January 25, 2021

