Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


From another perspective...

what are you scared of?Do you have an overactive imagination? IF YOU HAD TO MAKE AN IMPORTANT DECISION QUICKLY, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?

I’m going to put you in my shoes so you can live a day in my brain...I hope you can help me on my way.

What's the form?

In which situations do we use a second conditional?

Which conditional is this?

If you could choose anyone, who would it be and why?

My car has broken down. I need to make money quickly to buy a new one.

My parents say I don't do enough around the house but I have too much schoolwork!

My boss wants me to take on more responsibility but doesn't want to pay me more.

Read the situations and respond using the 2nd conditional

I would like to go and live abroad but I'm nervous about leaving my friends and family.

I am going to be a bridesmaid at a wedding in the summer but I need to lose 10kg!

I feel like I'm stuck in the same routine and am feeling bored with my life.

I choose to ‘snooze’ but then I hear a strange noise. It’s a noise that I’m not used to and it makes me sit up in bed. Still confused I sit perfectly still, pulling the covers up to my eyes. And I hear it again...It’s a strange sound, a soft repetitive thud. It sounds like this….

As it gets louder, it feels like it’s getting closer. Instinctively, I reach out for my mobile phone, but the screen doesn’t come to life when I touch it; it’s out of battery. I realise my charger is in the living room so I am now without a telephone, without any connection to the outside world, and with just a disturbing noise to keep me company. As my heart beats faster, I decide I must act. I need to find out what this noise is and make my escape if I need to! But I feel vulnerable. I look around the room for something to take with me to make me feel braver. What should I take?

Present your item to the group and discuss why it would be useful in this situation.Together decide on two items to take (one in your hand and one in your pocket)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Write a subtitle

I open the door; someone is there but I am not scared. It’s not really a human, it's a mix between an animal and a person. It is clear that it’s nothing I’ve ever seen before and I suddenly realise that I am now looking at some kind of alien life form...

It talks to me. and explains it’s on a fact-finding mission from another planet and wants to explore what life is like on Earth and then report back. Everything is new and different here and it can’t understand what we do and what things are. For example, the things I am holding in my hands… what are they?

“It’s strange, I see a stunningly beautiful planet that you don't care about. Beautiful oceans, full of plastic. Green forests and big machines that make them less green. Humans who are equal but aren't. Emotions and feelings which people can’t share and don’t want to talk about. Unwritten rules that everyone follows even though they make no sense. It’s confusing. Are the objects you are holding representative of human life? If not, what items can I take back which show what it means to be a human? How can we be human?